Chapter 20

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* Rajeev's pov *

Never in my entire life did i feel so relieved than in this moment where i have my kia in my arms . It was perfect the way our plan had worked out today , the thought of Lavanya getting upset about me taking her spotlight away on her engagement day did cross my mind but luckily she choose not to show it . " I Love You Dad " she said her voice muffled into my chest "I Love You Too Baby " i replied holding her even tighter . 

The rest of the day had passed happily although kia kept complaining about how all women were hounding her about marriage . There's no way in hell that i'm going to let kia get married this close to Lavanya getting married . The youngsters had stayed up all night playing games and then snoozed the entire next day . As the night approached  I decided to take Kia, Karan and lavanya out for one last dinner as just the four of us because after this weekend we would be a family of 5 not 4 anymore .

The drive to the restaurant  consisted of Kia and Karan going on about a certain industry they wanted to set their foot in . The meal felt like 10 mins instead of two hours as we all chatted about what we had missed in each others  life . Post dinner we went for a walk and had ice cream too .
Life felt good like this I just pray this doesn't change once we get back to Delhi . The one mistake we did was stumble upon a late night market and the girls ran around from shop to shop under the excuse of "sissy-shopping-therapy".

A full dinner,  ice cream ,shopping and street snacks later we returned to the hotel at around 2 AM . Everyone  returned to the room and as I was about to fall asleep the bell to my room rang making me let out a sigh of frustration .

* Lavanya's pov *

We crashed onto the bed as soon as we were done with our night time routine after our evening with dad and Karan . Which led us to being a humble 2 hours late than the decided time . Our room looked as if it was hit by a hurricane with pajamas , bathrobes , make up and hair styling tools scattered  everywhere  and my sweet sweet fiance running over our heads to hurry up .

Tonight was my and Sahil's bachelorette parties although his party was at another hotel he had to parade over our heads because  people were hijacking his phone asking about me and kia . It's not like either of had lost our phones they just happened to be buried somewhere under our mountain of clothes. "Okay I'm ready " kia said putting  her lip gloss in her bag . " Please find your phone guys I'm missing out on the starters " Sahil whined " lav you know how much I was looking forward to it " he continued to sulk making me and kia chuckle .

" Okay Di I got our phones and I'm taking your bag down you better hurry " kia said as she ran out dodging  the pillow sahil threw at her . " Babe seriously if you don't finish in two minutes , I swear I will-" I cut him off with a kiss as I put my heels on "I'm done okay stop sulking" I laughed  at his flushed face . " I'm gonna go now before your friends start harassing me " sahil said giving me one final kiss on the head as we parted ways from the elevator .

I watched him drive away with a smile on my face being grateful for getting married to this man . I then made my way towards the banquet hall of the hotel where my bachelorette was being held . The loud music making the doors and windows of the lobby shake , bracing  my eardrums for the impact I pushed the huge door open only for the music to slow down into a entry song which I wasn't  aware of beforehand  .

I stood there clueless of what to do as all my friends there threw flowers and confetti on me . We all had a laugh at my reaction and settled into our given seats , me with with a big crown on my head saying "bride" . Our host started with the event with games and food and then we started with the speeches . I had to act dramatically emotional  as I knew none of them really meant what they said . I was looking forward to kia doing something but she didn't which I understood because we hadn't been on such good terms till yesterday .

The event wrapped up with me being showered with hugs that I didn't ask for . I lost sight of kia somewhere in the middle because these three stubborn leeches refused to leave me alone , they even followed me to the bathroom. I dragged myself towards our room with my heels in my hand not even having the strength to blink . The good thing  was the event-free day tomorrow and my actual  wedding the day after that . I badly needed all the rest I could get .

I opened the door and found all my and Kia's favorite desserts kept on the bed along with our night time skincare . Kia popped out of somewhere giving me a hug that I actually needed . We gossiped  about our families  as we went along with the "unwinding + dessert" date she had planned for us that's  the reason she left the party early to come to the room and firstly clean it considering the state in which we left it and then she set it all up .

We dozed off as soon as the dessert plates were cleared off the bed . We were soo tired that we slept like dead bodies because other wise we were both pretty territorial about the bed space and all these days we had woken up in weird positions  both being on the edges of the bed only a inch away from face planting into the floor . The next morning  was lazy as we woke up close to noon and then fell back asleep .

It was by the afternoon that I started getting cold feet about my wedding . Not being able to sit at one place didn't help with my nerves as kia too went for a walk around the resort saying she didn't  even get the chance to see it properly . I came out to the balcony for some fresh air and looked down at the workers setting up the last minute  things in the garden . I looked up at the sky missing my mom more than anything , a few tears leaked down from my eyes .

" Di look what I found " kia entered the room making  me hurriedly  wipe my tears and turn to her , a big basket covered her face as she tried navigating her way to the bed . She dropped the basket on the bed with a thud huffing out at the weight of it . I opened my mouth to ask about it but she beat me to it "I have to go now and remember you only have half an hour " she said before  leaving .


Hey all
Long time no see
Sorry × 10000 for the delay
Thank you × 10000000000000000000 for helping the book cross 5K views

I hope to be more regular  this time
See ya

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