10|| Fire

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Camp Half-Blood
Zoe/Con's POV
A few hours go by, and I start to head to the campfire. I've never been to a camp half-blood campfire as I was a hunter for Lady Artemis. Me and Luke walk over to the fire, but he quickly gets pulled away by Charles. There they go to cause some trouble. I started walking towards Percy and Bianca, who were sitting by themselves, until I was called over by some people in the Athena cabin. I walked over to them and sat down, per their request, and they started asking me questions.

"Hey Con." One says "My name is Jess."

"Hello." I say

"How are you?" Jess asks

"I'm good." I say suspiciously as her sister whispers to her

"What are you guys doing here?" She asks

"We are here to fight a war. That's all we know." I say before turning to see what the ruckus is. I see Luke and Blade running around and causing more trouble than usual. The run by me, and I take Luke by the arm. "Guys, calm down before Meg gets mad." I say giving him a warning look. He brushes me off, and runs off again. I shake my head turning my attention back to the sisters.

"Why are you so scared of him getting mad?" She asks

I sigh before saying, "Let's just say... they aren't empty threats."

At that moment, Luke and Charles started fighting and, and knocked some things down. I looked to Percy, and he was getting real mad. They continued running around and fighting until Percy got fed the fuck up.

"Alpha! Blade! You better sit your asses down before I break your goddamn legs!" He yells

Their eyes go wide, and they immediately sit down. They keep bickering, but at least they are sitting and not disturbing anyone. The girls look to me and ask, "Would he really break their legs?"

I look at them with a 'really' face and say, "He killed Alpha for 20$ the other day. They beat the shit out of each other for fun. Breaking legs is a normal thing."

They all look to Meg as he shouts, "Still didn't get paid for that!"

"Wow. And you guys just stand by? That's cruel." She says

"Well I don't want to be killed. When Meg kills, he kills. I mean like brutally murders everything and everyone in his path. And plus, we can do this ritual that brings people back to life, one of the perks of being a Child of Chaos." I say

"That's horrible. Does he not feel bad?" She asks

"Nope. We kill the ones who deserve it." I say

"We?" She asks

"Yep, me and the team." I say

They look at each other for a second before asking, "Hey, have you see Annabeth lately?"

I pretend to think for a second as I hear Percy say, don't say anything, in my mind. I shake my head a little before saying, "No, I don't think that I have."

A few seconds later we some some guy from the Ares cabin going up to Percy. This should be good.

Percy/Omega's POV
I was talking to V before some Ares kid came up to me. I looked up at a fuming Ares kid with a dagger in his hand. I was fiddling with Annabeths dagger as he came up to me which made him more mad. He just stood there for a second, fuming, before saying, or more accurately, yelling, "What did you do to her!

"I've done a lot of things to a lot of people. You're gonna have to be more specific." I say

"Annabeth! What did you do to her?" He asks

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