AN|| Weapons and Armor

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I do not own any of these images, but I want to show you what I image when creating these characters.

I do not own any of these images, but I want to show you what I image when creating these characters

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This is what I imagine their mission outfit looks like except their designated colors

This is what I imagine their mission outfit looks like except their designated colors

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This is what riptide now looks like. Instead of a pen he can someone it in his hand same with his chaos sword. It has purple Greek fire on the blade, and will will anything it touches.

 It has purple Greek fire on the blade, and will will anything it touches

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This is the chaos sword that he can summon in his hand. It has red Greek fire that kills anything it touches and sends them to the void.

 It has red Greek fire that kills anything it touches and sends them to the void

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These are the swords in his sword sheaths that are on his back. Percy, Luke, Charles, and Silena have these while Zoe and Bianca have a bow.

 Percy, Luke, Charles, and Silena have these while Zoe and Bianca have a bow

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They each have 6 of these daggers in sheaths hidden on their legs/arms. They were forged out of metal from the bottom of Tartarus by Tartarus himself.

 They were forged out of metal from the bottom of Tartarus by Tartarus himself

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This is the bow that Zoe and Bianca have. It automatically reloads when pulled back, and never runs out of arrows. They have the choice to ignite the arrows with Greek fire to send enemies to the void.

This is what I imagine their weapons and outfit look like. I'm not very good at explaining thing so you have a good image, so I've opted for pictures. These weapons will be shown in all the battles in this story besides the ones between the team/campers. Anyway I hope you enjoy the battle with Prometheus! I gtg finish writing it lol. Bye!

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