11|| Feelings

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Chaos's Cabin
Bianca/Void POV
I run into the cabin to try and find Percy, but I don't see him. I walk into our room to see him laying on the bed looking pissed the fuck off. He is laying on his back with his arm over his eyes, and taking deep breaths. I sat beside him on the bed, and put my hand in his hair. I started lightly scratching his scalp in an attempt to calm him down.

"You okay?" I ask and he stayed silent "How are you feeling?"

"Tired. Pissed off. Overwhelmed. Stressed." He says with a sigh "The list goes on."

"What are you feeling most?" I ask

He hesitates before saying, "Guilt."

I look at him with empathy. Percy has always been one to feel guilty about anything that goes wrong. For the past 5000 years he hasn't really had anything to be guilty of, but now... he has everything. I knew being back here would bring some unwanted emotion, but him feeling guilty is the worst of them. He feels the need to prove himself of whatever he thinks he did wrong.

"It's not your fault, Percy. You know that, yeah?" I ask

"But it is my fault." He says as he moves his arm to look at me "None of this would've happened if it weren't for me."

"None of what?" I ask

"None of the wars. No one would be in danger if I just stayed away." He says

Percy-" I start before he interrupts me

"Every single war happened because of me. The prophecies say so. All the violence and all the death is because of me. When does it stop?" He asks

"I wish I could tell you." I say "But you have to stop blaming yourself until then."

He sits up and pulls me into him and whispers, "I don't know if I can."

"Oh, Percy." I say as I wrap my arms around him. He rests his head on my shoulder as we just sit and hold each other. The truth is, I hate seeing him like this. A few years into our training something happened to make him feel like this. Ultimately, I was always the one that made him feel better. It really helped us grow together, and I got an amazing relationship out of it, but it hurts. His fatal flaw only makes it worse. "I hate seeing you like this."

"I know, I'm sorry." He says "I just... I can't help but feel like this is all my fault."

"I know Percy. I understand, but it's not always your fault. You left for years and it still happened." I say I sense he wants to protest but he stays quiet. "You have to understand that not everything is your fault. Putting yourself in that situation is only hurting you. You have to stop torturing yourself."

"Did anyone get hurt?" He asks and I hum in confusion, "The earthquake. Is everyone okay?"

"Everyone is fine. The team is with them calming them down." I say

"I'm sorry." He whispers

"It's okay, Percy. You're just trying to protect the ones you love. We appreciate everything you do for us Percy. Get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." I say he hums and lays back down. I walk out of the room to go talk to Annabeth, I sit her down on the couch and start to talk to her. "Listen Annabeth, I know your scared, but we aren't going to do anything to you. He's just trying to protect us. You understand right?" I ask

"I understand. I'm so sorry I didn't mean any harm. I was scared." She says

"I understand. I promise you, no one will get hurt. We will handle the attack." I say

"Okay. I promise I won't tell anyone else." She says

"Okay. Go." I say and nod to the door. I MM the team to hurry back to the cabin, and summon some food. A few minutes later the team walks in, and sits on the couches around me. They start asking me questions and I take a deep breath before answering.

"Is he okay?" Luke asks

"He's gonna be okay. He's feeling guilty about the war, and it's making him feel like he needs to do more. You know how it is. Are the campers okay?" I ask

"They're a bit scared, but we managed to calm them down a bit. We explained that he's just trying to protect us and nothing will happen if they behave. They saw the same thing we did, so they know what will happen." Zoe says "we're worried about him, V."

"I know. After the battle I think it's best that he goes back home for a little bit." I say and they all nod in agreement "Get some sleep guys." I say before walking back into my room. I walk in to see Percy staring up at the ceiling. I sigh and go to lay next to him. I lay down and put my head on his chest effectively getting his attention. He looks at me for a second before looking back up. I sigh and move my body to lay on top of him. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me impossibly closer. I rest my head in the crook of his neck and take a deep breath. I breath in his scent of the salty sea and place chaste kisses on his neck. "Your not doing this again Percy." I say

"Not doing what?" He asks

"Your not going to deprive yourself of sleep again." I say

His grip on my body only tightens at this. I have a feeling that he isn't going to get much sleep tonight, but we all know he needs it. This is a matter that is beyond him, but he still has to feel guilty. He sighs deeply before moving his head to the crook of neck. He starts kissing and sucking on my neck before taking my lips on his. I kiss him for a second before pulling away and saying, "Percy, making out with me isn't going to solve your problems. You need sleep."

He just hums and continues to kiss me. I sigh into the kiss, and accept that he isn't going to listen to me. A few minutes later I pull away again, and try to reason with him. "Percy," I start

"Shut up and kiss me." He says as he pulls me back towards him

"This isn't going to solve any of your problems." I say

"No, but it'll make me feel better." He says "I can solve my problems later, right now I just need to numb them."

He places soft kisses all over my face and neck, and I just wrap my arms around his neck and let him. After a while, his kisses slow down, and his grip on me loosens. He fell asleep. I sigh in relief as I wasn't sure if you would sleep tonight. I roll off of him, and lay beside him with my head in his chest. I focus on the rhythms of his heart, and follow him into the realm of Morpheus.


Hii my loves! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's kinda a filler, but I wanted to dive into his feeling of being at CHB more. I hate writing chapters like this because they make me sad. Percy doesn't have to do this to himself, but he does anyway 🥲. Next chapter will be the battle between The Children of Chaos and Prometheus. Percy also may or may not be kidnapped. Haven't decided yet. Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful day! Don't forget to make healthy choices and get some sleep. Bye my loves!

I do not own PJO or HoO nor do I own the cover art!

Words: 1317

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