12|| Prometheus

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Chaos's Cabin CHB
Percy/Omega's POV
I wake with a start, and sense that the time is 3:30 a.m, great. I got a little bit of sleep last night, but it was overridden by nightmares from past wars. I move my arm up to rub my eyes, and let out a sigh. I need to get off this planet for a while. Maybe I should go find Tartarus. He hasn't been in the councils lately. Maybe something is wrong with him. After the battle I should go down to Tartarus and see what's going on.

I decide to not go back to sleep and instead go patrol the forest. I carefully get out of bed in an attempt to not wake V, and make my way outside. I walk into the forest and start to look for anything out of the ordinary. On first glance, everything is fine, so I climb into a tree. From where I'm sitting, I have a full view of Thalia's tree, and the important parts of the camp boarder. I was sitting there for hours just watching until I heard the conch sound for breakfast. I didn't know I was sitting here for that long. I watched all the campers go to the dining pavilion followed by my very worried looking team. I figured their worried because they woke up and I was gone, but I'll explain later.

A few minutes later, I turn my attention back to the boarders and see someone standing on the other side. I quickly walk towards the boarder with my chaos sword in one hand, and riptide in the other. Riptide is now a deep back blade with purple flames surrounding it, and the chaos sword is black with colorful accents and red flames. I slowly approach the person on the other side of the boarder to see who it is. I drop my defenses and tilt my head when I see Tartarus himself staring back at me.

I figured something was wrong because he wasn't in the council but here he is. The pit himself in the flesh. I walk towards him, and ask, "Tartarus? What are you doing here?"

"Hello, child! I've come to talk to your team about the titans." He says

"Oh. Follow me and we will talk."

"Of course child. I'm assuming it's breakfast time right now." He says

"It is. All the campers are there so be nice. Or as nice as the pit can be. Where have you been? Why weren't you at the council?" I ask

"Well child, the titans have been causing trouble in Tartarus and it's my job to fix it. I was busy making sure Tartarus doesn't collapse in on itself." He says annoyed

We make small talk as we make our way to the dining pavilion. About a minute in we were laughing about all the stupid decisions of the campers. Talking to Tartarus always makes me feel better no matter the situation. We walk into the pavilion to see very scared looking campers and a relieved team. Me and Tartarus were still talking as we walk towards the table. I summon him a chair and he sits before turning his attention to the team.

"Hello, children!" Tartarus says

"Hi, Uncle T." They all say

"How's it going?" Zoe asks

"It's okay. I'm here to discuss important matters with you." He says

"What's that?" Bianca asks

"The titans. They are getting stronger. They insist on destroying Tartarus, so I'm preoccupied and not able to help you. So I'm here to warn you. The only way this is gonna work is if you do it together. You have to be there for each other even if you don't think you need it. That means you, Meg," he says

"Oh, don't out me like that." I say

He chuckles and say, "But you know it's true. This team is the best because you are there for each other. With Prometheus coming you need to stay together now more than ever."

"We are doing what we can to prepare for Prometheus. Without knowing when he's going to strike makes this a little bit harder." I say

"You guys are more than capable for this. I believe that everything will be just fine in the end. Now Meg, if you ever need a break from these campers you are welcome in my palace." He says

"Thanks Uncle T." I say

"Now I must go before Tartarus collapses. Good luck children!" He says before flashing out

Breakfast ended with no shenanigans, and we went on about the day. Lunch rolled around and there was no sigh of Prometheus anywhere, so we very cautiously go to the dining pavilion. We sit at our table with our attention fixed on the boarder until finally, an army arose. We all jump from our seats and leave the pavilion.

"Seal the pavilion. No one gets in or out." I say

Luke goes and does a sealing spell on the pavilion, and we all run into battle. There were hundreds of monsters fighting against us, and there were only 6 of us. We started attacking and killing every monster in our sight from hellhounds to Cyclopes. I ran through all the monsters to the find Prometheus standing behind them all. I stared at him for a second before attacking. Now this isn't my first time fighting him, but it's still a hard battle. He seems to goes stronger every time I fight him. I take my swords out of my sheaths and start attacking him.

I swing my swords at him, and cut him every time. His body is littered with cuts and scrapes, but he's not going down. I keep circling him and cutting him until he swipes his hand and launches me towards a tree. My back hits the tree and I collapse to the ground. I dropped my swords when I was hit, so chaos and riptide it is. In order for me to kill him and send him to the void I have to stab him through the heart. Not so hard right? Wrong.

I ran back towards him and started swinging my sword again. This time, he grabbed my and started squeezing impossibly tight. I was stuck in the hand of Prometheus while my team was killing every single monster they came across. I look back towards Prometheus who is smiling back at me. He squeezes me even tighter and in an attempt to escape I wiggled my arm out. I summon chaos and slice off his hand sending me into a free fall. On my way down, I summon riptide and throw it to his heart. I land on my back with a grunt and look to a disintegrating Prometheus. To the void he goes.

My team runs up to me after killing the rest of the monsters, and I sit up onto my elbow. Luke offers me his hand, and I take it getting up. I walk over to my swords and put them back into my sheaths before dismissing chaos and riptide. I'm still trying to catch my breath as I walk back over to my team.

"You good?" Luke asks

"Yea I'm good. That guys got some grip." I say

"Well we did it." Zoe says

"That we did." I say

All of a sudden, the ground started shaking, and a giant crack emerged. I look down confused as the crack swallows me into the unknown. I'm falling deep into god knows where and hear my team calling for me. Once I hit the ground I immediately black out going into some sort of dream. What the actual fuck is going on?


Hi loves! I hope you enjoyed the battle! Percy is in a little bit of a pickle right now, and the team is panicking! The next chapter is gonna be filled with physical and mental abuse, so be prepared for that. There will be trigger warning, but feel free to skip it if you'd like. Stay safe!

I do not own PJO or HoO nor do I own the cover art!

Words: 1358

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