parent Bakugo x parent reader smut 🍋

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Nnngh" Katsuki groaned as he held your waist against his in the relaxation of your shared shower.

The hot steam covered you both and coated all the glass possible in your bathroom.

The feeling of his skin knocking against yours was sending you over into heaven.

He's sitting down on the shower seat, legs spread wide open with you sat right where you belong, in his lap riding him good and hard.

It had been so long, too long, since you've had him snugly inside you and boy were you so so sensitive.

With being parents with busy Hero schedules, there isn't a lot of times where you two can be intimate like this, so when you both were off for the night with no late patrols- you both took what you could.

It was currently around 2:00 AM, and you couldn't feel more needy for him.

He was so handsome, so beautiful, so yours...

"Mmmh..Katsuki!-" You whined into his neck as you basically held on for dear life-

He groaned in response before he started to thrust back up, colliding against your movements causing you to arch your back, pressing the front of your body against his chest.

Your nails gripped into shoulders as while your toes curled up as well.

He knew you were close..

He smiled at this before landing two hard smacks on your left ass cheek.

He heated up his hand in the process, leaving a faint print on your skin.

That knot you've grown to know so well was starting to swell, ready to burst

"Come on, give it to me...cum on it baby.."

That's what sent you over board..

You squeezed him tightly as you squirted, your release mixing with his as he came as well

Your chests heaved up and down in unison before being your lips together

It had honestly been a long week and you wouldn't really had it end any way

At least that's what you thought, before you felt your husband subtly thrust into you again, even as out of breath as he was.

"I'm not finshed yet, I wanna' round three,"

You couldn't even speak as another knot began to form,

Your eyes remained closed as mouth stayed open, but nothing came out

The only sounds available was the sound of love making and the water rushing out the shower head-


You and Katsuki both jumped at the random knock on your bathroom door

"Mommy? Daddy? Are you in there??"

Both you and your husbands eyes widened at the sound of your 6 year old daughters voice

"S h i t-"

The knocking continued once again

"Daddy? Are you in there??"

That's when Katsuki turned to you!

"What the hell?! I thought you made sure she was fuckin' asleep?!" Your husband whisper shouted (hope that makes sense)

"Of course I fuckin' did! Did you lock the door right? It's a double lock door, did you hear two clicks when you locked it???"



"We just moved into this house! I can't remember all these damn locks!"

"We'll you better get to remembering if you're always trying to fu-"

"Daddy?? I need help- it's an emergency!"

Katsuki just kinda sat there wide eyed, like a deer in headlights. You love your husband but sometimes... sometimes he would just have his moments...

"Goddamnit Katsuki! Can't do shit without- fuckin dumbas- JUST ANSWER HER-"

"Y-YES- yes? What do you need??" He held, trying not to sound as awkward as he was..

"I threw up!"




You both froze-

"I- W-WHAT?? What do you mean you threw up???"

"I don't know, I just got sick! Can I come in?-"

You and Katsuki started to panic as you both heard your daughter trying to turn the knob

"N-NO No! Just..uh..gimmie a second! I'll come in a minute! Just go back to your room..!"

There was silence before you heard deer patting away from the door, at which you both exhaled.

That's when you started chuckling a bit.

"It's not fucking funny..." Katsuki grumbled.

You continued to giggled before hopping off your husband, detaching from the place where you once were connected, to turn off the shower.

"It kinda is though, that's just what your horny ass gets." You teased, grabbing your towel off the hook to dry off before you felt a smack on your ass again.

You turned around to scold him but you were only faced with a smug grin.

"This might be funny to you right now- but just wait, we'll make it up in the morning.."

You blushed before slightly smirking yourself

"I'll be looking forward to it,"

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