Deku x reader smut nsfw pregnant reader

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god ... imagine it being some random hook up ? a friend of mina's that showed up at one of her pool parties.

and you looked so pretty in that sundress— all soft and smooth. thin fabric nestled perfectly against your curves. and fuck when he watched you pull it off, revealing the tiniest little bikini... he knew it was a wrap.

deku fucked you hard that afternoon. mina's bathroom— butt naked with the lights on.

he had you bent over the counter with one hand covering your mouth and the other gripping your wrists behind your back. thick cock pounded your poor cunny that was already swollen and puffy from his extremely thorough prep.

deku was so whiny in your pussy. begging you to 'take that dick, please' and praising you for "squeezin' (him) so perfect".

each thrust was like having the wind knocked out of your lungs. it felt like he was nestled in your rib cage. all you could do is scream and cream on his cock while he wrecked you.

and that was that.

he filled your little pussy then licked you clean . a particularly nasty kiss was exchange fill with cum , spit and your own arousal.

the two of you exchanged numbers but of course he didn't call. you didn't expect him too. he's a busy guy. a rising pro hero with a growing agency. you had no intention of making this situation more than what it was, that is until you realized your period was late.

now you had no intention of telling him. you didn't want to tell anyone. you locked yourself in your apartment to embarrassed to venture. you probably would've gave birth in there had it not been for mina beating your door down to make sure that you were still alive.

she scolded you for trying to do this alone. reassuring that she would be there for you regardless. encouraging you to be brave in your new journey. and getting really excited to be an aunt.

she even helped tell deku when you were ready— which was about the beginning of the second trimester. she marched the two of you right past his secretary and into his office.

he was a bit startled at the sudden intrusion.

"ashido— oh"

seeing you was a surprise. he wanted to contact you after the ... fling but time got away from him. if he wasn't doing hero work , he was making appearances. if he wasn't making appearances, he was sleeping. surely, you wouldn't hold it against him ?

but then he noticed you cradling your stomach that looked slightly rounder than the last time he saw you.

his brain short circuited but only for a second. after a few deep breaths and a sip of water then he's at your feet profusely apologizing and promising to be there every step of the way in some way shape or form.

deku makes good on that promise. he will never let you go to an appointment alone. if he can't be there personally he'll enlist the help of mina, and kacchan on occasion. the appointments with bakugo are always pretty fun because he tried to censor his speech for the baby.

"i don't need that daaarn nerd on my case if his brat comes out cursing !"

deku gets so excited and invested in this baby that it's bleeding in every aspect of his life. literally lost it when he found out that he'd be having a baby girl. he has to catch himself during interviews to keep himself from spilling too much tea about the "brand new girl" in his life.

things are great with you too ! it was easy for him to develop a friendship with you. heck you're the mother of his child and you've already touched privates so is awkward small talk really necessary?

he's rock solid. a shoulder you can cry on when things get to tough. deku will always be there to help you carry the burden. he spend the majority of the final trimester in your apartment helping out wherever he could.

and when the baby finally came— ahh! cue the water works. between him and his mother, they nearly had to evacuate the maternity ward for fear of flooding. he couldn't help it. every time he looked at that little bundle he couldn't help but be in awe and then he'd look at you and feel even more love because you're the one that gave it to him.

six month in your baby girl is sitting up and babbling. rolling in her crib wearing an all might onesie and dynamight booties. she's your twin— save for the curly green space buns and sparkling emerald eyes. easily the cutest baby in the world.

deku just wants to hold her all day. all of his spare time is spent with her. he's barely even using his apartment at this point only going once a week to get more clothes. most of the time he'll crash out on the floor next to the baby's crib or on the couch with her on his tummy.

he's just so comfortable here. a little too comfortable some might suggest.

he can't help but bristle at the inquiries about your relationship. eye twitching when kaminari jokes about you being back on the market.

he has no reason to be upset. you're a beautiful woman and of course there's the potential for interested suitors but it just doesn't sit right with him. it nags on him all day. well past the end of his shift. well past when his daughter has fallen asleep. well past when you've handed him his blanket and said goodnight.

he just can't shake the sick feeling in his stomach whenever he thinks of you in another man's arms.

so he goes to your door and allmight help him when he hears soft whimpers of his name.


"right there, izu"

"s'good. so good"

and if that's not a sign then he doesn't know what is.

you're embarrassed when he opens the door. cheeks hot and ears burning at his lewd gaze. he gives you no time to explain it away— kissing you passionately while tearing off the remainder of his clothes.

he doesn't fuck you hard like he did the first time. he fucks you slow. painfully slow. he wants to learn your body. he needs to feel you. and there's no need to rush. the two of you have all the time in the world. 

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