Co-worker shoto x reader

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You sat silently in Shoto's living room as you waited for him.

You truly weren't expecting for him to live such a lavish life, and you even double checked the address when you arrived to his house.

"I'm sorry for the wait Miss Y/L. I'm sure he'll be here momentarily. I'm afraid his father has called me to his office so I'll have to step out. Have a wonderful evening." His butler said and you nodded with a polite smile.

You awkwardly waited for what felt like forever until the front door suddenly opened. You jumped slightly and saw Shoto step in from a distance. He hadn't seen you though and you were about to say something until you watched as he took off his suit jacket.

The white button up shirt he wore seemed tight around his figure, and it was only at that moment that you realized how muscular he was. Your face became flushed as you tried to snap out of any daze you were in. You watched as he kicked off his shoes all the while taking off his tie and undoing the first three buttons at the top of his shirt when he finally looked over.

"Ah Miss Y/L. I apologize, I completely forgot about our meeting today." He said and you just waved your hand with a sheepish grin on your face. "N-No really it's fine! I can just come back another time if you've had a long day." You stuttered as you stood up.

"No no please have a seat. I apologize for my unprofessional appearance, I hope you don't mind. I know you're the casual type anyhow." He said as he approached the seating area. He sat down on an opposing sofa and you quickly sat back down.

You adverted your eyes away from his strewn out position, you knew if you stared any longer you'd just become flustered. "I appreciate you helping me in kick starting my own business. As well as not saying anything to my father about this. You've really been a big help." Shoto said as you pulled some folders out from a purse.

"No worries Mr. Todoroki. I'm glad I could help." You said as you set the folders down on the coffee table, you noticed it was too far for Shoto to reach but he waved his hand. "No, I'll come sit over here." He said as he stood up, walked over to the sofa you were sitting on, and then sat down right next to you.

You couldn't help the gulp that followed with his actions. You were trying your best not to become flustered as you meekly handed Shoto the documents. After a few moments of Shoto reading through the papers he discussed a few things with you before setting them back in the folder.

"Would you like something to drink? I'm sure you've been here a while. Why don't you follow me to the kitchen?" Shoto said as he stood up. You followed his lead, and you couldn't help but admired him as he walked to the kitchen. His hands in his pockets, and while his red and white hair was some what of a mess it looked rather devilishly handsome on him.

"The cups are in that cupboard if you'd like to grab them. What would you like to drink Miss Y/L?" He asked as he opened his fridge. "Water is just fine, and you can call me Y/N if you'd like." You said as you looked away, not wanting to seem weird for staring so long. You opened the cupboard, which honestly was a little too tall for you to reach. You then tried to reach for a glass but your index and middle finger could only barely brush against the cups.

"Let me." Shoto said and you jumped slightly, not realizing how close he was. Shoto leaned over your figure, trapping you between his body and the counter. You certainly had a good view of his torso now.

"So how long have you lived in Japan? I had heard you aren't from here actually." Shoto said as he poured two glasses of water. "Oh well I moved here three years ago just after high school. I had saved up enough and my parents and other relatives were also kind enough to help me out with the move, although they all stayed back in my home country." You said as you drank some water. "I'm sure that was quite rough leaving behind your friends and family, probably from a relationship too." He said and you smiled and laughed a little. "I'll be honest I've never been in a serious relationship outside of high school, I mean even then there wasn't really anything there. Nothing here... either..." You said, your words slowed as Shoto walked closer to you.

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