Boss Bakugo x employee reader smut nsfw

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Your fingers stilled against your keyboard as you looked up at your boss from across the room. City lights illuminated the empty office as you were the only two left on the floor, the last minute mission reports were almost complete and your body ached from hunching over your computer for so long.

Each time Dynamight faced a destruction of public property charge it always meant staying late, his PR team working overtime to try and arrange reparations. And as his PR manager it meant staying later than the rest of your employees, who were long gone. You'd expected the phone to stop ringing during office hours, but after just getting off the phone with another disgruntled civilian at past ten, you were proved wrong.

"You heard," He stepped towards you as he carded a hand through his messy hair.

"I should be giving you orders right now, Dynamight," You hissed, "Do you realise how many complaints I've had to address today because of you?"

"People always got shit to complain about," He scoffed, "I got the guy, didn't I?"

"Yeah, but maybe you could do it without totalling a building next time?" You sneered.

"I thought you liked staying late in the office with me," He grinned, walking around the edge of your desk, "You were pretty happy when I had you pressed against my window last month."

Your heart raced at the memory, your breasts pressed against the cool glass as he pounded into you from behind. His agency was one of the tallest buildings in the city, but there was still a chance that someone could've seen you.

"I think you like when I do this shit." He pressed.

"Oh yeah, I really love spending overtime being berated on the phone." You rolled your eyes.

"Just hang up on those fuckers," He shook his head, "They're always the first to complain when shitty Deku's not there in time."

"Unless you'd missed it, my job is to get you out of shit," You smiled, "Not to make it worse."

"I thought your job was to do whatever I say." Large palms pushed your computer chair back from the desk, spinning you to face him.

"My job is to keep you out of trouble," You crossed your arms over your chest, "Which is why you seem to enjoy making it hard."

"I think you're the one that likes making me hard, sweetheart." You rolled your eyes at his crass humour as his lips curled into a smug grin, "So spread your legs."

Bakugou's Adam's apple bobbed as he watched the way your cute skirt rose further up your thighs as you obeyed, revealing your plain cotton panties to his debauched gaze.

"Good girl." He growled. You were always so obedient, so easy. The way you were ready and willing to do anything for him at the blink of an eye.

But you needed this too, especially after the day you'd had. You deserved it, and Bakugou was more than willing to give it to you.

"Been thinkin' about this all damn day," He groaned, "I shoulda called you into my office earlier."

"I really need to use the bathroom first, Katsuki." You mumbled.

A request which fell upon deaf ears as Bakugou settled himself between your plush thighs, broad arms shouldering them further apart as he nuzzled your clothed crotch. Breathing in the scent of you as you involuntarily bucked your hips into his touch, your core throbbing with desire and need.

"So pretty," He hums, ignoring your request as he places a chaste kiss on your sensitive clit through the fabric, grinning when your body jolts in response, "You been waiting for me all day?"

"Shit," You whined, hands blindly reaching out for his messy mop of hair as he began to lap at your folds through the thin material. Watching it darken from a mixture of your slick and his spit as your pelvis began to tighten. Trying to chase the pleasure he was giving you and ignore the dull throb that pulsed inside you, desperate for relief, "Katsuki, I really have to pee first."

You could coax him to the bathrooms, let him pound you over the sinks as he'd done so many times before after you'd given yourself the relief you were craving. Being sat autonomously at your desk for so many hours as you tried to repair the mess that Dynamight had created, you'd lost track of time and basic human needs. His warm hands smoothing along your inner thighs reminded you of just how desperately you needed to go.

If Bakugou heard your pleas, he chose to ignore them. Palming himself through his slacks as he lapped at your sensitive clit through your panties.

You were certain you wouldn't be able to hang on for much longer, trying to close your thighs around his head in a feeble attempt to hold yourself back for a little longer— to stop yourself from humiliating yourself in front of your boss.

Bakugou's fingers curled beneath the fabric as he pulled them down your thighs, leaving them settled around one of your ankles as he spread you apart with his thumbs.

"Kats," You groaned, your cunt clenched from the throb in your pelvis, "Please."

"Ain't no one stopping you, sweetheart." He rasped, leaning forward to press a soft kiss against your puffy clit.

The contact with your bare cunt had your hips jerking, throwing your head back against the headrest as you felt your pelvis throb. All conscious thoughts swirling from your mind as you finally allowed yourself to relax and succumb to the desire. The euphoria almost mind-numbing as a warm stream began to trickle from between your thighs.

"Oh fuck, baby. That's it—" Bakugou groaned as he watched through half-lidded eyes. His cock throbbing beneath his slacks as he watched you relieve yourself in front of him, "So pretty."

Bakugou smoothed his thumb along your slit, following the warm stream as your hole clenched around nothing from the contact. Embarrassment had your heart pounding in your chest as your eyes clenched shut, your hands gripping onto the arms of your chair as you tried to close your thighs.

"Don't," Bakugou snarled, slapping your cunt as the wet sound echoed around the empty Office. You gasped at the contact as your eyes snapped open, "Look at me."

The painful throb was now replaced with white hot bliss that coursed through your veins as your eyes rolled back, your lips parted in a desperate whine as he pulled back to watch you with his intense crimson gaze.

"Oh fuck," You bit down on your lower lip hard as you emptied your bladder, finally beginning to feel your body relax as the intense throb from your clit took over. Desperate for any kind of contact as you rolled your hips into Bakugou's touch.

"You're so perfect, you know that?" He hummed, his fingers brushing along your wet slit before pushing inside your tight core, stealing all the air from your lungs, "My dirty girl." 

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