Aizawa x reader nsfw

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Aizawa is tired.

He all but stumbles into his apartment before he carelessly tosses his scarf onto the kitchen floor. With his strong fingers, he roughly pulls at the roots of his hair.

Almost like thin air, you appear behind him. Had he not been so accustomed to your cold hands, he would have flinched at the feeling of them running underneath his shirt.

"Are you alright, dear?" You press your cheek into his back as you flatten your hands across his muscular abdomen, it's no secret that you're feeling him up but, Aizawa doesn't mind one bit. If he had any complaints about your (sometimes) odd habits then he would have never married you in the first place. "Did you have a tough night?"

The gentle kisses you press along his spine, standing on the tips of your toes to reach the back of his neck, make the man sigh in contentment.

"I'm just tired, that's all," He mumbles and it's a miracle that his words don't slur together.

"Sleepy?" You egg on and Aizawa reaches for an empty coffee mug on the counter.

"Just tired." He narrows his eyes at the lack of substance in the container, he could have sworn that he filled it up earlier before his patrol. "I still need to finish those exams,"

"I already graded them for you, don't worry about it," You coo before you teasingly dig your nails into his sides, Aizawa grunts at the tug.

It feels odd for the man to not drink coffee right now at almost four in the morning. Still unsure of your motives, he suspects that you don't expect him to sleep right now.

"Come on, come on," You push your weight against his back to get him to move but, your husband doesn't budge a single inch. "let's go to bed."

"Let me take a shower first," He snaps but there is no malice in his words, no threat or anger. It's more like a gentle nip that makes you roll your eyes.

"No, I said bed," Again, you pinch his skin and this time lower your hands to the front of his baggy pants.

Aizawa gets it now, why you want to drag him to bed instead of force him to go to sleep. In a way, it's the same thing. You always fuck him to sleep and he falls for it every time with little complaint.

He has never been able to turn you down.

It's how he finds himself leaning over the counter, bending over your soft body as he rolls his hips against your ass. You're much too tight for him to move but, he couldn't be still even if he wanted to. Aizawa leans on one of his muscular forearms against the cool top of the counter while his hand palms at your breast. You keep squeezing your thighs together and the guttural groans that leave the man because of it are sinful. He's loud, much louder than he usually is and maybe it's because of his initial tiredness but you just feel too good for him to care.

"Are you going to cum for me, Shouta?" Your voice almost sounds like a purr, calling out to him and beckoning him with a backward roll of your hips. The soft giggle that leaves your lips causes his hips to stutter. "Cum in me,"

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