Hawks x reader nsfw

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Fuck-" Keigo snarls, face buried in your neck as his cock repeatedly buries itself in your cunt. "Feel s'fuckin good, baby-"

You swear you can feel him in your guts with how deep his thrusts are reaching.

"Gonna fuck you so good you forget your goddamn name," his words make your soaked pussy clench as if it's agreeing.

Fuck. His cock feels like it was made for you; filling you up just right as you cling to him.

"Oh, god- please!" You don't know what you're pleading for but it doesn't matter. Not when Keigo is pounding into you just the way you like.

"Gonna knock you up," he grunts. "You'd like that wouldn't you?"

Keigo grips your hair and pulls you back to stare into your eyes as he fucks you. "You'd just love to be stuffed so full of my cum that you're marked for days; to strut around, round with my child?"His eyes are feral; the gold almost burning as you meet his gaze.

"Yes, oh fuck, yes!" You cry out.

"Yeah? Of course you fucking would-"

His arms cage you under him, muscles flexing as he practically drips with sweat. Keigo's eyebrows are furrowed as he plows into you, his low grunts and growls mix with your own mewls and "ah, ah, ahs".

"Gonna make you the sexiest little mommy-" his wings are shuddering from the pleasure, small red plumes floating around you down to the bed.

Keigo leans down to press a searing kiss to your lips. It's all teeth and tongue but neither of you care.

How could you when you're so close to cumming?

"You gonna make me a daddy, pretty girl?"

You let out a drawn out moan at his question, cunt clamping down on him impossibly tighter. The contraction drags a deep groan from Keigo, the sound rumbling from his chest and vibrating through yours.

"Yes~" you keen, wrapping your legs around his waist, desperate to feel him even deeper.

Your nails scratch down his back as Keigo brings his hand between you to toy with your clit. "Oh~" you breathe out, eyes scrunching as your head falls to the side.

"Gonna look s' good, baby," he slams into you with more vigor. "Gonna have to keep you knocked up."

"I'm gonna-" you're cut off with a whine as you cum, thighs shaking as your back arches impossibly off the bed.

Keigo keeps working your clit, eyes never leaving your face. "That's right, baby, cum for me- show me what that pretty pussy can do~"

As you start to come down, the sensitivity starts up. 

"It's t'much..." you slur, unconsciously trying to pull your hips back.

"No you don't, baby-" Keigo yanks you back, fucking into harder as he chases his own release. "-we're not done 'til you're leaking with my cum. Then I'm gonna fuck it back into you..."

"Can' do it," you cry out, overstimulated.

"Yes, you can. And you will" he growls out.

The room is filled with a mixture of your cries, his grunts and the sloppy sound of your cunt as he fills you again and again.

"Goddamn it-" Keigo grinds out. He buries himself into you as he cums.

You whine out as you get pumped full of his seed, hands gasping at his biceps.

Keigo stays buried in you for a bit before shallowly thrusting into you again.

"S'too much-" you protest, lightly pushing at his shoulder.The way you're sucking me in say otherwise, baby-" Keigo gasps out. "Told ya I was gonna fuck a baby into you, and I'm anything but a liar."

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