Prolouge: Just another day...?

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It's September 17th 2031. You are 21 years old and just got out of college. You decided that it would be a better job if you decided to work as a surface security guard for a facility called... Laminbex...? Laminex...? Laminax. Laminax Labs Inc. You signed up for the job and when you got to a small area on a hill near the city, someone was standing outside and gave you a flashlight and a baton.

Lab Worker: "Your job is to guard the surface so only selected people can come down here. Alright?"

You: "Alright I guess, sounds good."

It's now June 23, 2031. You thought this job would be more entertaining, fun, and not boring. You didn't know that you would just watch people exit the elevator to the lab and enter the elevator to the lab. Nobody who was your friend even worked here. You mostly went on your phone most of the time. But today was different. You felt a small shake on the ground for a minute then it stopped.

You: "What was that?!"

You decide that today you make your job interesting and go into the lab, somewhere you have never been before. Many thoughts went through your head. What will happen? Will I get killed? What is down there? You grab your keycard from your pocket, not even sure if it is going to work, for you just got a keycard that seems like it only works for entry-level. You swipe your keycard on the device that opens the elevator. Nothing happens. You swipe again. Nothing happens again.

You: "Does this damn thing even work?!"

You swipe again, and again, and again. When suddenly, a spark came from the device and it glowed green. The card worked. The elevator doors started to open. You enter the elevator and only notice there are 3 buttons. One that says "Surface," the level you are on, "Lab," the lab that you will explore, and "Caves." You do not know what that means, but you decide to stick with Lab. You click the Lab button and the elevator starts going down. You were looking at your phone, waiting for the elevator to reach the end, when suddenly, the elevator rod snapped, and the elevator was disconnected. You were falling at high speeds, and you were somewhat 6 inches floating in the air from the speed you are going down.


Before you can grab onto anything, the elevator hits the cave floor. And you hit the ground hard enough to make you pass out, and get your left leg injured...

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