Chapter 4: Someone else is here...?

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You wake up to see your hand covered in latex, and it looks more like... a paw? It looks like a paw more then a hand. You look around. You clearly are not in the gas room anymore, and your clearly are in a place where the survivors you met earlier are. But there are 3 humans running around the room, most of them with medicine and syringes in their hands. Your entire body feels sick, and you feel like something just ate you up then spat you out, but not in the nsfw way, more like a way where you were spat out like a little kid spits out terrible food. You keep looking at your latex paw... you notice it also looks a little bit robotic. One of the scientists looks at you, with fear in their eyes.

Scientist 1: "Are you... ok?"

All the other scientists calmed down a little bit, but still were a little stressed. The scientist kept on looking at the latex hand you have. He mainly looks at the part that looks robotic.

Scientist 1: "We had to magnetically... charge I think... Yeah, we had to pulse your hand. Otherwise it would just be a paralyzed hand!"

The scientist chuckles. One of the other scientists injected something into you and then picked you up from the medical bed you were on and made you stand up.

Scientist 2: "Alright mate nice meeting you and goodbye!"

The scientist then picked you up and threw you out the room. He then locked the door. Whatever those guys were they seemed strange... were the really doctors? Or just some humans. Probably the second answer. Your what used to be a hand now looks like a paw that the technology is manipulating to be a normal human hand. But you can still see that there are still some gootraxian parts on you. You notice your boot has a lot of it left, your knee still has latex, and your brain feels... funny. But you feel fine. You look around and realize that the lights are now fully on. You get off the floor and walk toward the camp you were originally in that Sky was in.

After walking for a while, you notice that the pool with shark fins... are real shark fins that are moving, some of the fins being different colors, like a blueish black, or a lime green. You enter the greenhouse again. You see that the flowers are blooming more, and that... there are some gootraxians hiding in the bush that look like a plant. You ignore it and go to the base. Through the glass corridor, you notice that nobody is in there anymore, and there are some blood. You quickly scan the keycard and enter. Before you could go any further, you find a lot of the goo on the floor, weapons broken, yellow buckets laying around, and some of the small tents they set up are now gone. You can only find the remains of scrap cloth, wood and metal laying around, and your baton and flashlight. You also find the radio that looks like someone was about to put a battery in, as there was a battery loose on the back. You pick up all of your items and look at the radio. It has some blood on it. You turn it on and hear just a faint voice coming from it. Like other humans, but also the sound of gootraxians. Everything else is static. You turn off the radio and look around. There is nobody here except the bodies of 2 gootraxians that can't be identified. The grassy floor turned into a field of goo and blood combined, which by the way, looks horrible. You carefully walk around the goo and go to one of the bodies. One of the bodies were not gootraxian at all. It was a human survivor that is barely alive.

You: "Are you ok?"

The human male could not respond. It looked like the human that was building a weapon when this old camp used to be... more alive. You then think about the gas room. The time that gootraxian pinned you to the wall and made you... into a gootraxian. You figured that maybe if you go back to the computer, you can find something. After making your way to the room where the computer SHOULD be in, a pink barrier blocks the way. Or... is it? You touch the forcefield and it lets your body through. You tried pulling your hand in, but it refused. You kept pulling, and it blasted the latex off of your hand, and disintegrated the technology on your hand. Your hand feels like it is about to get cut off. Before going to the computer, you sit on one of the couches in that area. You realize that your arm, your leg, and your hand feels like crap. Whatever these creatures are, they show no mercy, and that these humans would do anything to survive. Before you could touch the first key on the keyboard, a survivor behind you spoke.

Survivor: "And I suppose you are the security guard?"

You look at the person behind you. It is a human female with some cyan and brown hair and looks Italian and white. She looks at you with a confused but angry look.

Survivor: "I'm the other security guard that works here during weekends. And I see that somehow, you broke the only way to get here."

You: "Curiosity killed the strangely human cat."

The survivor looked more impressed, but still had that confused and angry look, as if you did something you weren't supposed to do to something she didn't know.

Survivor: "So, I see you may or may not got a proper introduction to the gootraxians... I hate them."

She stepped toward the computer and punched the keyboard. A file that said "Gootraxians" appeared. It looked like it had photos of all the gootraxians in this facility, with some descriptions. You look at the one that says "Lang." You read the description.

"Lang is a gas-based gootraxian where most of the time a human gets infected by the poison gas in one of the rooms, and that host will then try to get other humans to breathe the gas, so they can turn into a gootraxian as well. These creatures are very hostile, and have an increased strength than a normal Slime Hound."

The survivor looked at you with a suprised look.

Survivor: "I'm guessing you had a bad experience with them. A 'sticky' experience."

You: "I got infected by one of them, then a few scientists healed me I guess."

The survivor sighed at put her hand on her face is annoyance.

Survivor: "You shouldn't trust those brothers. They don't even have a masters in science OR medical."

You: "No wonder they couldn't really do shit."

The survivor picked up an abandoned soda can, unopened that was on the desk the computer was on, then walked backed out of this gootraxian safe zone.

Survivor: "Any way, I'm going to go explore the other half of the facility. See ya."

The survivor walked into the crystal cave, into the dark, and disappeared in the darkness. You looked back at the computer. Someone had to take these pictures of these creatures. But who? Who knows.

You search around this safe zone and see that there is a small shop looking thing on the wall of the safe zone. It has a sign on top that reads "Abble's Shop." There are posters around the shop saying that you can use money or things called Tickets to get weapons, food, or even guns. It wouldn't open, but you kept on trying to pull the opening up. A cute and small voice from inside spoke.

Abble: "Sowwy hooman! Abble shop close right neow!"

You were confused by this cute and small sound, but you acknowledged it and exited the safe zone. You took out the baton that was chipped from the gootraxian pinning you to the wall earlier. After taking it out, 12 seconds later you heard a strange faint roaring sound. A sound that sounded like a threat of some kind. The sound of the lights turning off. The sound of something running toward you.

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