Chapter 5: Blackout... Again?!

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The lights suddenly turned off. The only light that could be seen was the glowing latex puddles on the floor. The forcefield that was keeping the area a safe zone turned off. As this happened, you felt something watching you from a distance. Not from a close distance, but like something was looking at you through the walls or from far away. You wield your baton with caution, and make sure to watch your step. Suddenly, you heard a high-ish pitched sound that sounded like something was running toward you at max speed. You quickly get out of the way and hide in one of the iron boxes next to you. When you look outside of the box through a hole, you could see a lizard tail and a faint purple glow. A gootraxian. You slowly open the top of the box. You see that this gootraxian has black-gray fur and scales, along with a night vision goggle with 3 eye-hole slots instead of 2. The night vision goggles were glowing purple. You close the box before the gootraxian can see you. The gootraxian runs away to its next prey. You stay in the box for another minute until a human went up to your box and inspected you.

???: "It's always during blackouts this happens..."

You: "What the hell do you mean?!"

The human brings you out of the box and gives you a bat that looks like it has been infected by the "Kaiju" gootraxians. He looked at you with fear and adrenaline.

???: "I'm not saying anything else. You need to defend yourself before it's too late."

The human then ran into the direction the night-vision goggled gootraxian went. You look around, trying to make out what is around you in your dark surroundings. You went back to the now unsafe safe zone and went to the area Abble's shop is. You banged on the closed opening and shop counter until Abble opened up. You kept on punching and kicking until you were tired. Before you left, you kicked the counter one more time, really hard. After the kick, you felt something metal hit the ground. You search under the table, and you see what looks like a mini off-brand tablet. with the Laminax logo on it. It has the letters "PLA" on it. You were able to make out the words almost instantly. "Personal Laminax Archive." It seemed to be glowing a bright blue and yellow on it's screen, and it's showing the pictures of the gootraxians on it. You decide to use it later and keep it holstered. You look at Abble's shop in anger and leave the unsafe safe zone. You walk to what seems to be the pool area. You can see that there are more of colored fins than just normal shark fin. More of the blueish black fins. Before you go into the water, you pick up one of the leftover bodies on the floor of a human and threw it into the water. One of the sharks took the body and brought it under the water. You couldn't see much other than some blood being brought up to the surface, and when the body went to the surface of the water, latex covered most of the body. You figure you should keep clear of this water. Before making your way back, you encounter a strange dog-like being made out of slime. The PLA dinged. A slimepup.

Slimepup: "Hooman! Where other hoomans???"

You look at this strange creature in confusion, but then you speak.

You: "I don't know! Maybe at the cafe place?"

The slimepup then immediately left and ran to the cafe. A strange encounter, but also a cute encounter.

While walking, you realize that the ground you are walking into is slowly turning into the cave floor. You bring out the gootraxian infected bat and hold it firmly in your hand. Another human was running into your direction, and bumped into you. Both of you fell to the ground.

You: "Sorry! I didn't know what I wa-"

You look at the human in fear. Latex is covered on his chest, legs, and part of his hand. Blood is covered on his arms, left leg, and face. The human you find seems to be feeling something... or turning into something that you should not ask.

???: ""

The human tried getting up, but more blood just came out of his nose when he tried. You look behind him and see a gootraxian that seems to be wearing the purple night-vision googles. You realize everything that was going on.

???: "R-RUN!"

You wield the bat and run. You look behind you, even though you can't see anything, but you can see the human behind you getting mauled to death, with skin being torn off, and latex covering him. You don't look behind you and run. You run across the hallway and into the crystal caves. You hide behind a large rock. You hear the gootraxian coming into the cave, sniffing your scent to find you. You look at the gootraxian and find human blood streaked across his face, probably from the dead human. You wield the bat and eat a energy bar you got while at the cafe. You charge to the back of the gootraxian with adrenaline, while doing it quietly. But before you could even swing, the gootraxian caught you by the neck and threw you to the ground. You could feel the blood spilling to the ground. The gootraxian looked at you with hatred, even though you cannot see his eyes, you can FEEL it.

Gootraxian: "Heh. Stupid humans like you don't stand a chance against us."

The gootraxian then reached to pick you up, but before that could happen, you grab the bat and quickly hit him in the face. But while that happens, you can feel all your injuries getting worse, because of blood loss. While the gootraxian was down on the ground, you hit him in the face hard enough for a bone to be broken. You were able to do it, but you were injured. You make your way back to the safe zone and sit on the couch. You fall asleep for the first time in 23 hours.

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