Chapter 6

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The moment Oonjai stepped foot into the building of the Kobkul Foster Home, a round little ball jumped straight at him so quickly he almost did not bend down to hold him in time.

Kiss, kiss, kiss.

The sound of kisses being rained on the forehead and plump cheeks pulled cheerful giggles from the little one.

"You smell so sweet. Here, let Oon look at you, let's see how much more grown Oonjai's Klairak is since he's getting so much heavier."

Plump hands hooked themselves around Oonjai's neck and refused to let go, prompting Oonjai to tighten his embrace around him.

"Giggles. Kai(*5) grown."

Bell-like voice of a child just over a year old made the young man unable to stop himself from kissing the small body on his lap again to make up for the two whole days of not being able to see him.

"I miss you so much! Is Klai a good boy when Oon is away? Were you being secretly naughty?"

The owner of the slim frame held tight to the young boy who buried himself in his embrace, slowly rocking their bodies this way and that.

"Kai Kai, good boy."

"You're the most wonderful, Oon's good boy. And do you have anything to show me today? Did Ma Jit tell you to draw again?"


Klairak quickly left and lugged his own bag toward Oonjai, enthusiastically pulling a crumpled piece of paper out to show him.

"Bunbun bunbun!"

"Oh, wow. The bunny is so cute. What's this one's name?"

"This Kai. Oooon. Granny."

Plump hands pointed to three roundish shapes on the paper.

"You're so great. Klairak is the greatest in the world!" Oonjai clapped his hands as a compliment before hugging him again as a reward.

The sound of talking from the two non-blood-related brothers put smiles on the faces of the teachers around there. There was nobody in this foster home who did not know of Oonjai and Klairak. The sight of the older brother dropping by to see the younger one before heading to class every morning, sometimes to talk and sometimes to play and sometimes to help with washing and changing, was something everyone there has seen regularly. They were all aware of how much love and care the older boy had for his younger brother.


The sweet, beseeching voice from the younger boy along with the way he would nuzzle his face into his older brother's neck were what everyone was used to see every morning when it was time for the brothers to go their separate ways. However, it seemed Klairak was clingier than usual today.

"Draw Oon a picture again today. I'll come see it tomorrow."

"Oon will come. Promise. Promise."

Oonjai could feel tears brimming in his eyes with the way the younger boy was begging for his words. It seemed not coming to see him for two days made his little boy lose confidence in him.

"Yes. Oon promise. Tomorrow Oon will come to see Klairak."

"Yay!!" The returned liveliness in his voice prompted Oonjai to kiss those plump cheeks several more times.

After carrying his chubby little brother to the young children's room and then stood around to see him for a little bit more, it was finally time for Oonjai to go to class. By the time he braved traffic to the university, the young man almost did not make it to class on time.

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