one ; shoot it

413 13 8

listen to ; social casualty, five seconds of summer

Dylan sat on the cold metal bleachers at the Lacrosse game. Burgundy red jerseys clashed with forest green ones, and sticks smashed together. Players knocked others over, some kept their balance constantly, others not so much.

She watched as Coach told Stiles something and made hand motions, like leveling. The boy grabbed a Lacrosse stick, and ran out onto the field. Oh, this couldn't be good. Stiles never played. Ever.

Then it started. Stiles, the ball right in front of him. He scooped it up and took off from the goal, stopping about six feet from the goal. What the hell?

There were shouts of "Shoot it!" from the team, coach, and audience. But for some reason, he stayed frozen.

"SHOOT IT!" Dylan's voice reached Stiles' ears, and just like that, he'd thrown it. And just like that it passed the goalie, and just like that, the game was turned around.


"Stiles, that was amazing!" Scott McCall told his friend, right before Dylan got up.

"Thanks, bro."

Dylan was standing awkwardly in the corner, waiting for them to finish their conversation as Stiles was her ride.

"Dylan, come here!" Her friend waved her over, making a motion with his hands. She hesitantly walked over. She was so scared of embarrassing herself in front of another person who would probably hold it against her for life.

She pushed her blonde braids to the front of her shoulders and stopped next to the boy with the buzzcut.

"Hey, I'm Dylan and I like pizza and Netflix." She spoke, glancing at her friend for reassurance.

"Hey, I'm Scott and I like video games and annoying Stiles." He replied, peeping at his best friend.

Dylan giggled while her bright cerulean eyes twinkled. They got along great constantly learning things about the other.


Dylan didn't want to go to sleep. She didn't want to be vulnerable or scared. She didn't want demons to chase after her or axe murderers to call out her name.

But she had no choice. She felt her eyes drooping shut, a yawn escape her lips, and her mind shutting down. So she slept, and then came the demons and monsters, and she was powerless.

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