three ; sarcastic like stilinski

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listen to ; here we go again, sweet suspense

Dylan had recovered over the long weekend which consisted of three days due to staff training.

Harris could use some of that

So she sat in Math class, writing another note. She was friends with Stiles now, but she still wrote this notes. She was still shy around him, she just did a good job of hiding it.

I see you and I can't think straight

Of course, seeing as Dylan was writing a note, Stiles had to look. It wasn't that he was nosy, but he thought of it as a... tradition, you could say.

He felt his heart tug slightly. He didn't know why, and it addled him. A lot.

"Workbook, pages fifty to fifty-five today. Don't forget to study."


Dylan once again sat on the metal bench, this time at the practice. She had opened her Math book and attempted to do the problems, but it wasn't working. She sucked at math, and it didn't help that she never payed attention.

"MATTHEWS!" Coaches voice boomed into her ears.

"Yes, Coach?"

"What the hell is wrong with Stilinski?" He asked her, making insane motions with his hands.

"Ummm... I could tell you, but that would take a while." She replied, biting lightly on her pencil.

"Why is he actually playing good?"

"Well, Coach. Maybe if you let him play once in a while you would know." She told him, casting her she's up at him.

"You're just like Stilinski aren't you? Sarcastic. That's great. Freaking great." He walked away, mumbling something about how Dylan needed to make better friend choices.

She sighed and shook her head, "He needs Miss Morell."


Stiles sat in her room, attempting to help her with the math homework.

"Stiles, it's no use. I suck at math," She deadpanned, "I had a tutor for like three years. Never made a difference."

"How optimistic you are."


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