Chapter 2

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Scott's smile slowly faded the further away from Rivendale he got. He travelled to The Overgrown. This is where Jimmy, Kathrine and himself would meet often. 

They had arranged to meet there for about 20 minutes ago, and Scott was late. But who could blame him. He just had an argument with his mother.  Tears flooded his eyes, with each passing minute more tears threatened to  overflow. 


He soon arrived at The Overgrown. Landing gracefully he made his way over to where they had arranged to meet( which was by the fountain in her empire ). Walking past the flowers he wiped his tears.

"SCOTT!! THERE YOU ARE!" Jimmy ran up and hugged him," I was worried that something happened to you."

"mm," Is all Scott replied with.

"Hey, Scott, are you ok?" Kathrine asked, concerned for her friend as he wasn't as vocal as he normally is.

"No not really," Scott finally manage to string together a sentence without his voice sounding strained or upset," My mother said that I need put my act together and that I can't see you'll anymore. Because I'm going to be king 'soon' a..and if I don't then the whole of Rivendale is put at risk. I..I tried to explain that because you're my friends and our allies but she... she just wouldn't listen to me. She told me I was a disgrace and to get out of her sight."

Scott was in tears by the time he finished telling them the story of what happened.

"I really don't get them. Like what's their problem with us?" Kathrine said while comforting her long-time friend.


This was a lot to do in one sitting for me as I just couldn't focus at all. But I hope that you are enjoying it as its my first book. I am trying to do at least one chapter per day but no promises. Also all updates and week days will be after 4:00 BST. Bye

Word count: 322

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