Chapter 24

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TW- blood, description of death/corpses, description of injury.


Big mistake.

When their parents got home. Xornoth rushed downstairs to their parents. Which was very unlike him, especially as he has a grudge against them. Scott had snuck out the house through the side door planning on avoiding them for as long as possible. He had wondered around Rivendale and checked on his children, or owls. 

The birds always took his mind way from problems if his friends couldn't meet, or it was a sudden need to be calmed. 

Scott soon made his ways back when it started to get dark. When he approached the door he knock like normal, expecting his mother to open the door. He waited, nothing. He knocked a second time. Still nothing. Starting to get worried he made his way to the side door. It was never locked. But it was for some reason.

Scott worried as he tried to get in. His wings wrapped around him, blocking out the cooler than normal, winter, evening air. He stumbled back to the front and  tried turning the handle. It had unlocked. 

He peered through the door as  he slowly opened it. Blood? Blood. It was scattered over the floor. Along with ice. Their was a trail. It made its way to the lower level of the storage area. Carefully Scott made his way over. Be very cautious as he didn't know what or who was in his house.

He crept. Before he turned the last corner, he felt something in his pocket. Pulling it out he saw the crystal. He grasped it in his hand. Taking the final steps he turn the corner. 

He look around. Everything seamed to be fine from what he could tell. He moved a little more. There. In the corner of his eye he saw it, saw them. 


God sorry chapters aren't coming out as often I've just been struggling a lot recently but I am trying. Bye

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