Chapter 9

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As it walked a shiver went down their spines. 

Suddenly it stops, turns and runs. As it runs, a cackle erupts," Ill get him. trust me." and with that it left.

"What just happened?" Joey asks, emerging from behind Xornoth.

Xornoth though, was completely out of it, his mind raced with different probabilities on what just happed, who it could of been, where it came form and what could of happened if it didn't turn and run. Joey and  Shubble's voices where muffled as Xornoth's mind was racing.

~~~Time Skip To 5 Minutes After~~~

Xornoth's mind comes back with some clicks in his ear.

"~noth can... hear me" Joey's voice utters, "Xornoth can you hear me?"

"yeah, yeah I can hear you." Xornoth replies, although his mind slow.

"Good. That's good. SHUBBLE" Joey calls for the brunette, him being right next to Xornoth making him jump,

"Yeah," Shelby's voice  replied through the temple.

"HE'S UP!!" Joey yelled down to her

"Give me a minute." Shelby's voice echoed.

"Joey can you not shout. It's loud." Xornoth asked, having a ringing twisting and running in his ear and it's voice still haunting his mind.

"Sorry," Joey whispered.

~~~Another time skip~~~

"WHAT. WAS. THAT?" Shelby asks unaware that Xornoth was covering his ears , trying to stop the ringing.

"Shhhh" Joey hissed at her, ushering to Xornoth, who was still covering his ears and head down.


Haye, sorry about the time jumps, I just got lazy and couldn't be bothered. Anyway, I just thought ill let y'all know that updates will be more often for a while. Also sorry this chapters a bit short, in doing this writing at 9:30pm and my brain hasn't been working properly these past few days (R.I.P my brain lol). Thanks a lot, see ya.

word count: 283

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