3: Unknown Number

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   Warning: Sexual content/Non-con elements

   When you woke up the next morning, your head was pounding. The light from your windows was searingly painful, prompting you to pull your pillow over your head in an attempt to block it out.

   You didn't remember a lot of the previous night. The more you thought about it, you didn't even remember coming back to your apartment. That was concerning.

   You grabbed your phone off of the nightstand to check the time. It was almost noon, which meant you'd slept through breakfast as well as two of your classes. At least they'd be serving lunch in the dining hall. Your stomach felt incredibly hollow and you still had the taste of alcohol on your tongue.

   You were scrolling through your notifications—a few worried messages from Akiko and a text about some online sale—when you saw one from a number you didn't recognize. You tapped on the chat and immediately felt your heart drop.

   Someone had sent you nudes. They weren't just the standard low-quality dick pic you received every now and then from desperate men around campus. These pictures were all women—or, all the same woman.

   They were pictures of you.

   You were panicking, your hands trembling. How did someone have photos of you like this? You didn't take nudes. You certainly didn't send nudes to anyone. You didn't even have anyone to send nudes to! So had someone taken these of you. . . last night?"

   You took a deep breath to calm down and stared typing.

   'Who is this?'

   Three little dots appeared in the bottom of the screen. You held your breath until a response came.

   'You don't remember?'

   'How did you get these photos? How did you get my number?'

   'Meet me in the north dining hall in twenty minutes. We can work out a little deal so no one else has to see these."

   Panicking, you fought your hangover and jumped out of bed, pulling on a sweatshirt and sweatpants as quickly as possible before rushing out of the house, not even bothering to grab a jacket. You shrugged against the chilly fall air. It was a fifteen minute walk to the north dining hall, so you had to hustle if you didn't want to be late.

   You burst through the doors of the campus center and practically ran through the lounge and up the stairs to get to the dining hall. You froze when you got to the top of the steps. There he was, leaning against the wall across from you. You should've known.


   He looked up from his phone. "Oh, hey, y/n."

   You rushed up to him and grabbed his hand. You needed to find somewhere more private. You didn't want to talk about this out in the open where anyone could hear that he had nude pictures of you. There were conference rooms on the next floor up. You decided one of those would be as good a place as any.

   You dragged him into one of the conference rooms, shutting and locking the door behind you before closing the blinds. You felt so ashamed by it all that you couldn't even stand the thought of someone seeing you with him—like they might somehow know.

   He took a seat and watched you do all of this. "You gonna talk?" he asked. "Seems like something's on your mind."

   "I should've stayed away from you. They warned me. My friends warned me that you were a creep."

   He frowned. "Wow, okay."

   "Where did you get them? Because I never sent photos like those to anyone and I refuse to believe that we. . . that we actually. . ."

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