6: Burning at Both Ends

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Warning: Sexual Content/Non-con Elements

You didn't hear from Shigaraki at all on Saturday, or before your game on Sunday. You hoped this meant that maybe he'd changed his mind about the whole situation. Maybe he felt embarrassed about the way he'd acted and hoped that the two of you could pretend it had never happened and just go back to the way things were before that night at the pub.

   That was what you hoped at least, but you were met with disappointment as you checked your phone in the locker room.

Shigaraki: "You left your bag here."

You: "Yeah, sorry. I left in kind of a rush."

   You refrained from pointing out that it was his fault.

Shigaraki: "What are you doing right now? Come over."

You: "I can't. I have a game."

Shigaraki: "Skip it."

You: "I'm literally about to step out onto the field."

Shigaraki: "Fine, but you owe me for making me wait. Come over once you're done."

You: "Fine."

   You played like shit. You were too distracted thinking about Shigaraki and what horrors he might have prepared for you that night.

   "Hey, are you alright?" Jin asked as the two of you walked back onto the field after halftime.

   She could always read you. It was annoying when you didn't want to tell her what was going on.

   "Yeah, I'm alright."

   "Really? You seem distracted. It's making you play like shit."

   "I'm good, Jin."

   You popped your mouth guard back in, effectively ending the conversation before taking your spot on the field.

   You'd been losing at the end of the first period, but by the end of the game the other team had completely decimated you. You were already in a shitty mood when you got back to the locker room. You didn't think it could get much worse, but, of course, misery always seemed to find a way to persist.

   "Is that a hickey on your neck?"

   You turned to Hana with wide eyes. "What?"

   Akiko perked up, bouncing over to the two of you. "Oh my gosh, it is! Y/n, you really were going to meet a guy the other night, weren't you?"

   You felt so stupid. You'd completely forgotten about the hickey Shigaraki had given you. You wished you'd made some sort of attempt to hide it. "No, I told you, I was just going to study wi—"

   "Studying on a Friday night?" Hana scoffed. "We should've seen through that excuse."

   "So who's the lucky guy?" Akiko asked, tugging on your arm.

   At least you could be thankful that they hadn't put the pieces together yet.

   Jin laughed as she joined the three of you. "It's no one, guys. That's not a hickey."

   Hana cocked an eyebrow. "It's not?"

   "No, she had major bedhead this morning and asked to borrow my straighter. That's probably just a burn. Right, Y/n?"

   "Yeah," you laughed. Thank god for Jin. "Come on, you guys know I don't have time to waste on men right now."

   "Hey, men are not a waste of time!" Akiko argued.

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