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Few days later
The league have been laying low since dabi compress got injured in the battle pretty bad.

Shoto got up from his bed looking a meme he got from tomura giggling at it,
Your brother is pissing me off🙄

                                                Im sorry do you want hang out

Sure your company is better than there's

                                         That's good meet you at our hang out spot

Where else?

                                      Well I don't no maybe the park near you

... just meet me at our spot😑

                                                        Ok☺️ meet you there

Shoto smiled at the texts getting up doing his morning routine then putting on a tank top with a rose on it and black pants, combat boots, and a black and white flannel around his waist, shoto walked down the hall to the elevator, *ding* deku was walking down with bakugou, "oh hey todoroki where are you going" "just out" "where! Half n half" "as I said out, bye" shoto walked passed them he could already hear bakugou stomping into the elevator deku walking after him.

Once both men meet on the roof of a abandoned apartment they start talking about life like they usually, "and I'm turning nineteen in a few days" shoto commented out of the blue, shigaraki looked away from the sky, "it's your birthday soon?" "Mhm" "heh well is endeavor going to celebrate with a extravagant party" shigaraki said in a sarcastic and almost jealous tone, shoto not realizing this of course said, "no my family never celebrate my birthday" "wait what" they've n.e.v.e.r", shigaraki interrupted, "yeah I heard you!" Shigaraki kinda yelled at shoto, shoto flinched, "sorry" shiggy said.

"What are you afraid of tomura" tomura took a sip of energy drink he had, "why do you want to know?" "Mmm well if we want to be friends I figured we should ask questions" " fine I'm afraid of spiders, what about you what is the number one's son afraid of", shoto looked out onto the night sky he opened his lips saying something shigaraki didn't expect, "yelling or loud noises."
No more flashbacks

"It's okay" tomura was still unsure but left it at that, shoto looked down at his phone it read one o'clock in the afternoon they said their goodbyes shoto leaving shigaraki on the rooftop shigaraki started scratching until blood dripped, -of course he's not okay useless-.

Few days later
Shigaraki was tapping on his desk with his long nails -todoroki should be used to having no birthday parties if what he said was true I shouldn't worry just move on with your day tomura- shigaraki sat down on his bed with his Nintendo pressing the on button, "Fuck it, kurogiri!" "Yes young master" kurogiri said sounding like he wanted to kill himself, "I need a picnic blanket, cold soba, and chocolate covered strawberries now!" "Sigh, may I ask why sir" "no just do it" kurogiri got to work and handed it to the blue haired man by the afternoon.

Hey meet me at our usual spot

Why it's not one of our hangout days

Just meet me brat!
Ok see you soon

Shigaraki texted while walking then slipping his phone back into his red coat since it was a bit chilly, -hope he likes this if he doesn't I'll just dust him-, shigaraki set all the food on paper plates when he heard a gasp behind him shigaraki turned around, "hey.... Umm i .. set this up for your birthday.. or whatever" shoto started crying, "ah i didn't know this would make you cry", shoto started shaking his head, "no no" *sniff* "it's not that just thank you this is the best gift I've ever gotten" shigaraki was surprised he thought shoto liked material things, "ok let's eat."

"Mmm this is so good" "good", they talked funny situations that day like when shoto said mineta got tapped to the wall for being a perv shigaraki just cackled and said deserved, now shigaraki is taking shoto home (as far as he can go of course) "ok this is as far as I can go" "hey tomura thank you for this you have no idea how much this means to me" shoto smiled at shigaraki, shigaraki just just shrugged it off  even though inside he was blushing so hard, shoto took a few steps towards him and kissed him on the cheek, "ok goodnight tomura" leaving shigaraki speechless and totally red.

At shoto's dorm
Shoto was reading manga that sero lended him when he paused mid read -omg I just kissed a villain on the cheek! Tomura shigaraki none the less- he then rolled over on his stomach turning red and smocking literally.

Tomura shigaraki
-what.the.fuck- shigaraki after walking for awhile he decided to murder a few random people to get rid of this new emotion (it did not work) so now he's passing around his room, -what does a kiss on the cheek even mean!- he decided to see it as a joke -I mean he's probably laughing about it right now- he just got on his console and pushed back any thoughts that were trying convince him otherwise.

Thank you for reading😊

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