Miserable together (p1)

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Slight violence, panic attacks

Shigaraki through a full bottle of whiskey almost hitting dabi by an inch and purple asshole would have burned him if spinner hadn't held him back, "watch it hand job!" Dabi exclaimed shigaraki gave him the finger, "ummm Shiggy what's wrong" toga asked shigaraki glared at her for a minute the explained, "me and this friend I guess got into a fight and I swear would've turned him to dust" toga just raised her eyebrow "okay? Why didn't you" "I" shigaraki crushed his glass that he got while he was talking to the blonde truth is the male didn't know he kept trying to tell himself the peppermint was nothing special, so he dragged toga to his office -welp I'm dead see you soon jin- toga thought excepting her fate everyone in the room the two left thought the same thing -she's dead- shigaraki shut his office door behind him sitting toga on a chair, "i.. need advice... don't let it go to your head!" Toga put her hands under her chin, "who is this person and what did you guys fight about~"

Shigaraki started pacing, "not telling who he is but we were just talking about his shitty family then he got angry and started talking about me being a villain" shigaraki yelled at her then toga raised her eyebrow at him knowing there's more, "...... and I may have told him his family doesn't love him and laughed about it", "wait! What ok shigaraki that's bad like really bad you technically told him know one loves him!" Toga was shocked how could her boss be this stupid, "what no! That wasn't my intention!" He yelled pushing out his arms as if he was gonna give the young girl a hug (he's not he's angry), "shiggy it doesn't matter if you meant it or not that's probably how this friend of yours feels" toga shook her head, "think about that it seems like this one's doing good things for you if your behavior before this fight is any indication" toga said looking back before closing the door.

(No touch man is in his room time jump)

Shigaraki was thinking about what toga said after many tantrums, he flopped on his bed on his back arm over his face flashbacks irritating him -tenko tenko~!- the voices kept screaming he shoved his pillow over his face to also cover his ear's curling into a fetal position, "shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up" he cried out started scratching his neck excessively after he calmed down from his panic attack cleaning his neck from the blood "shit the blonde's right" he groaned putting his head back, though the blue haired man excepted she was right and he was an asshole he had no plans to apologize shoving the guilt down.

I know short but this is miserable part one next is shoto's pov, thank you for reading😊

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