Untitled Part 1

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Moth walks into the kitchen.

His mom was making breakfast.

"Good morning my child. "Said Mrs. Patel.

"Another school year but this will be our last. "Said Mara.

"I can't wait for it be over. " "Said Morgan.

"True. "Said Moth.

Moth is the middle child in a family of six.

When Moth was born the doctor said it was a boy then a magic voice said "You lie that's a creature. " that what how Moth describes his gender.

Moth is both nonbinary and intersex- Moth was never cis just amab.

Moth lovely calls himself a creature.

Morgan is a boy, Mara is a girl and Moth is a creature- their parents like to say that when they got a girlish child, a girl, a Moth and a boy.

The three teens are triplets- Moth didn't pick his name, unlike some nonbinary people with none typical names Moth didn't chose his name- the story was that when the triplets were born, right when their parents were about to chose a name for Moth- they couldn't think of the perfect name and kept thinking of names but none felt right, while this was going on a moth go into the room and their dad Keith got so annoyed by the moth.

Then their mom Ivy said "Moth that's the name we'll use."

Keith was fine with it.

Vee is Moth's middle name- it's from the name Ivy which is his mother's name.

Moth uses he/him pronouns- because he felt like it.

Moth is also gay- and it's not one of those Moth is the gay child of the triplets.

Morgan is bisexual and Mara is a pan.

Their oldest sibling Mae is lesbian demisexual she/they- she looked at sexual attraction and said maybe but they looked at women and said yes then looked at gender then said "sometimes."

she's not a girl, they're a demigirl- they're a girlish and a girlisn't.


The triplets went to get ready for school.

When they arrived at school.

When their names were called.

"Moth Patel. "Said Mr. Samson- a tall middle age man who was nonsense.

"Here. "Said Moth.

"What's your real name. "Said Mr. Samson.

"Moth is my name, my mom named me after a moth that was flying around when me and my two siblings were born. "Said Moth. 

"Who would name their son that. "Said Mr. Samson.

Moth raised his hand again.

"I'm not a boy. "Said Moth.

Mr. Samson rolled his eyes.

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