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It was almost 5PM and I was counting down the minutes for the weekend. I thought I'd stop after my high school graduation, then I thought I'd stop after my college graduation, and her I am, still counting.
I walked down the hall to the printer room for my last task of the day. I grabbed myself some coffee from the kitchen counter and quickly walked back into my office, I wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.

I closed the door behind me with my printed contract for my new client and prepared everything for our meeting on monday at 8am. How am I gonna survive getting up before 7am? I don't know.
I typed in the last few words on my laptop and finally got to close it. The sigh of relief left my mouth and I got up from my seat and looked out of the window while I drank the last sips of my coffee.
It was still sunny outside. Maybe I could go with Eric or Chloé to one of the beaches in New Baltimore to relax and enjoy the last hours of sun.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door.
"Eric, just get in!"
I always told him to refrain knocking on my door, because only clients knock. Clients, and Eric.

The door opened as I put my laptop in my bag and started to speak,
"I thought about going to Anchor Bay, are you down?"
I asked and looked up.
My eyes widened as I saw Mr. Lenz standing in the doorframe, and not Eric.
He shook his head in disbelief and turned to his right.
"Good luck."
was all he said to someone with a pitying face next to him and walked away.
"Excuse me?"
I furrowed my eyebrows and looked after him.

After a few seconds, I glanced to the person who slowly walked into the doorframe.
My jaw dropped. Mr. Mathers.
I don't think I'll get used to seeing him casually.

"Can I come in?"
he asked.
The grin that was plastered on his face a few seconds ago changed into a serious demeanor.
I was about to start with my sentence but didn't get further.
All I did was stare at him.
"Sure, come in."
I added with a dull voice and pointed at the chair in front of my desk.

Mr. Mathers closed the door and sat down in front of me. He intertwined his hands and leaned down a little bit.
"I'm sorry to interrupt I know you were probably about to go home."
He started to talk and didn't break the eye contact.
"Don't worry!"
I answered quickly and added,
"So, why are you in my office?"
I furrowed my eyebrows again.
Mr. Mathers glanced at me for some seconds.
"I asked your boss who knows Mr. Martin the best in this company, and he said your name."
I still looked at him with a confused expression.
"I need more context."

He nodded and kept going.
"You seem like an honest person, straightforward and bluntly. That's why I want you to be honest with me,"
He made a small pause.
"Is Mr. Martin the right person to win this case for me?"
My eyes got big and I glanced through my office out of pure stress.
was all I got out of my mouth.
"Is Mr. Martin the right person to win this case for me?"
He repeated his question.
I still didn't know what to answer and quickly nodded.
"Cause if he isn't then please tell me right now."
Mr. Mathers said with a serious undertone.
"You don't need to worry! Mr. Martin is one of the best lawyers in our company, he's ambitious, dedicated and has a success rate of 96%."
Mr. Mathers nodded and constantly touched his watch with his hand.
Is he nervous?

"You don't need to answer my question, but why are you asking?"
He raised his head and looked at me again.
"Did he tell you about the case?"
He asked shortly and I shook my head.
Mr. Mathers nodded again and said,
"My ex wife wants to get joint custody of our kids."
I was a little bit taken back and swallowed.
I didn't expect that at all. Maybe I was being shallow.
"That's why I need him to win this case, it's a must. I can't lose them."
He looked me deep in the eyes. His blue eyes were full of despair. They almost looked like he was about to shed a tear.
"Joint custody wouldn't mean you'd lose them Mr. Mathers, they would just move back and forth between your house and her house."
He quickly shook his head.
"You don't know her, she's crazy! If she wins the trial she'll try to get sole custody next, even though she was never capable of raising them."
I nodded and didn't say anything back.
It wasn't my position and I don't know their conflict enough to judge it.

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