Wondering whats wrong

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Okay so a short authors note before you all get to reading I'm thinking Jess is going to be Sydney Leroux.

In this story there are going to be a lot of professional soccer players as the characters because this is mostly a soccer book and even some of the characters that are not even soccer players in the book there are going to be the ones that play them as the characters.

Okay so enough of me talking I will let you all to start reading.

Just one more thing I know I lied but there is a picture of Jess on the side showing you all who Sydney Leroux is if you don't know already plus her number is actually the number 2. Okay now you can start reading.

Tarah's POV

So Alan and I are sitting out side of the school for like 20 minutes now waiting to see if Alex shows up. It's hard to tell because she could of already went in to the school and wouldn't have known about it. Cause she could of had her hood up and everyone here walking outside had their hood up because we are in fall almost winter and it's cold outside.

"I thought I just saw Alex walking into the school but I don't know if it was her because she probably has her hood up and everyone here has their hood up." I say to my husband Alan.

"Yeah I know but I don't think you did because ever since we took her mom she has dropped of the face of the earth." he tells me and he's right but that doesn't mean she doesn't come back here in disguise.

"That doesn't mean she can't still be here just because she has been under our radar doesn't mean she's not roaming around the city." I start to test him because he should know I'm right.

"Yeah but why would she come to school with school being such a public place for everyone to know where your at or who you are?" he questions me but he's got a point anyone can spot her with her being the star of this town and everyone knowing who she is every moment of her life. But I come back at him with this.

"Well duh to see if our daughter has anything to do with this you know Alex hates Andrea and she might think Andrea has something to do with he mom disappearing/ being taken." I say back to him and he sits quiet for a moment then speaks up and says.

"But wouldn't Andrea come back to tell is Alex is at school or like text us if she see her?" He asks again

"She would if she knew the smart thing to do on her part cause she knows what we will do to her if doesn't." I reassure him and so he says.

"That's tru...." he starts to say before I cut him off by tell him.

"See there she is leaving the school I told you she would be here and that I wasn't seeing things." I speak loudly at him.

"Your right and don't you ever cut me off like that again you understand me?" He yells/ questions me.

"Sorry but I was just happy I wasn't seeing things but look there she is." I tell him

"So go follow her." he orders me since I was driving and I drove off.

Jess's POV

So I'm sitting here at school wondering what is wrong with Alex she don't ever pick her phone up anymore and the only time I have seen her is at school when she was looking for Andrea. And out of all the people that have helped her in her life she goes and ask the person she bully's for help. I mean I have been there for her so many times after what happened with Alexis and she still goes to the person she bully's. I still think about her and I feel like there is something wrong but I don't know what it is I mean she has a almost perfect life so I don't know what the problem is. But the next time I see her you bet I will get the answer out of her I just have to wait till I see her again.

"Hey Jess class is over time for lunch." Mr. Slay tells me and he also cuts me out of thought.

"Oh yeah sorry Mr. Slay." I say to him while shoving the papers and books in my backpack.

"It's okay Jess but is everything alright I mean Alex hasn't been here for about 2 weeks now do you know where she's at?" he ask me

"No I don't I actually was just thinking about her that's why I was so zoned out." I say to him

"Oh okay I was just wondering since you two are best friends." he say back

"Yeah if I did I would let you know but I don't." I say back and I start to leave when he calls out to me.

"Okay let me know if you need me or not."

"Okay I will Mr. Slay thank you." and with that I walk away to the cafeteria to see if any of my other friends know what's wrong with Alex. As soon as I enter Sky starts to bombard me with questions like why were you late? And why was I so zoned out today in all of my classes? And things like that and I had to stop her before she blows up for asking so many questions.

"Woah woah woah Sky clam down I will tell you something and I have to ask you guys a question." I say to her when I finally got her to stop talking.

"Well what do you expect I mean you haven't been yourself today." Sky says to me

"Yeah I'm sorry I'm just worried about Alex and I wonder what's going on with her cause she is also acting strange and she's never at home or answering her phone or even at school or if she is at at school she comes for like 5-15 minutes then skips the rest. Do you guys know what's going on with her?" I ask them cause I don't know why she isn't coming to me with her problems.

"No I haven't but the only time she acts up is when it comes close to her and Alexis's birthday and that's not for a couple of months now." Sky says to me and she's right she why is she acting up now.

"Yeah your right so then why is she acting up." I say to them.

"Yeah so when's the next time you gonna talk to her?" Maddi asked me

"Well I guess the next time I see her but I don't know when that will be cause like I said she's never home and I don't see her around anywhere anymore and this morning she was looking for Andrea and she found her. Plus it also don't help we have soccer tonight and she probably won't even be there for that and I'm gonna have to find out why." I explain to them and the team and the coach will be wondering why she isn't gonna be there.

"Now that isn't like Alex to miss soccer and let alone pick up her phone and also to be wanting to find Andrea." Sky says and Maddi agrees with her but so do I.

"Well at least the times I see her she physically looks fine but I have a feeling that she isn't mentally okay and that she needs some help." I say to them and I need to help her some how and someway.

Authors note

Here's another chapter so what do you all thinks gonna happen. Will Jess find out what the madder with Alex? Also do you all think Andrea and Alex will be able to get along so they can try and get Alex's mom back?

Well I guess you will find out some time soon in the story.

Also guess what the woman's World Cup is on tomorrow but I won't be able to watch it on tv because I don't have Fox Sports 1 and I'm so upset about that but I'm excited that the World Cup is here. I guess if you guys don't know this right now I love soccer I've been playing since I was 3 years old and the only time I stop was when I broke my ankle and even then I didn't stop but then I got scared that I would brake it again and some time I still am afraid but I'm getting through it.

Anyways I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far let me know by commenting, voting, or even favoriting. That will tell me if you guys are liking the book. Next chapter coming soon.

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