Locked, loaded, and shot

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Alex's POV

As I got back from getting food for us I was looking around and being quiet to hear if any thing was out of place or if I heard screaming. The thing was I didn't so I was happy but also a little worried cause what if they killed each other that would be horrible. So I walk into the room they where in and they were both dressed and sitting there staring at each other looking like they are ready to kill each other. So I speak up to take their attention away from one another before they actually do.

"Alright." I spoke up and their heads turned so fast I thought I was about to get tackled. "we got and hour before we leave so eat. While I go and get everything ready." I told them and as I was walking away I heard from both of them.

"Okay." and I get dressed in so black cloths like a baggy black t shirt, with black jeans, black nike shoes and a black hat facing backwards. Since I already ate on they way back I was loading up the guns and everything else we would need in to the black 2003 mustang that my mom got me for my 16 birthday but I didn't really drive it around much so no one knew I had it.

~~~~30 minutes later~~~~

"Okay everything is ready to go let's move and I will explain the plan again on the car ride there.

"Let's do this." Jess said with confidence but I knew deep down she wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

"Yeah let's go." Andrea said and I don't know her much like I do Jess but I knew she is so scared she looks like she wants to die as well. After that we walk out of the building and head to the car in silence. I got in the drivers seat with Jess in the passengers seat and Andrea in the back.

"Alright so this I how it's gonna go down." I paused for a moment making sure they where listening. "So Jess you will create a distraction so Andrea can go up but still be hidden and after that I'll shoot one and then you two will get the rest while I will try and make my way into the house. After Andrea is clear she will come in to since she knows the way around her own house. And you Jess will stand in guard outside unless you are needed inside and you are outside just in case some more guards show up." I explained to them and then Jess spoke up.

"Then you will get you mom and we are out of there." she explains the rest.

"Exactly." I said as we where approaching the houses where my mom is. "okay here we are." I said pulling up and turning off the headlights as I was.

Alan's POV

I was in my office looking over something's when one of my guards that does a nightly check around the house walks in.

"All clear. No one is in sight boss." He says to me

"Okay great thanks." I said back to him and he nods his head and turns to leave and after he left I walk down to the basement. Where my ex wife is at and I went down there like I have been every night since I kidnapped her.

"So what do you plan on doing to me." She said in disgust at me I always hated when she did that.

"Well I don't know yet." I said back to her.

"Great well I'm tired."

"Then go to sleep." I wasn't stopping her from sleeping.

"Not with you standing right there cause I don't trust you in anyway." She said to me

"Well then don't sleep and if I wanted to kill you you would be dead right now." And as I said that gun shots went off around the house.

Alex's POV

As we were getting in our spots to attack the house I was getting nervous and think things like what if he already killed my mom or what if one of us is going to die. Cause even though I don't like Andrea I don't want her to die for me. Then it was time and I took my aim and shot and I watched as he went down and I was freaking out I can't believe that I just actually shot someone. Andrea pulled me out of my thoughts by saying.

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