Getting to Business

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Alex's POV

It's been 35 days now and that's over a month and I'm really starting to miss my mom and my home. Jess and Andrea have been here with me but it's not enough I need my mom and I'm gonna get her back. So right now we are in here practicing with guns to keep our aim on point and they have been improving and I'm glad.

"Good guys we are getting better and better everyday." I tell them and I sigh with happiness.

"Great so when are we putting this plan into action." Andrea asked me looking really tired.

"Yeah when are we cause even though I'm getting better at this I'm still scared for my life." Jess agrees with her and I know she's scared and she acting tough for me.

"Well it's been 35 days since my mom has been gone." I tell them and I continue speaking before they could talk " so.... tonight."

"Wait tonight are you kidding me?" She asked looking really scared.

"No I'm not kidding you. We are doing it tonight cause if we don't do it soon I might never get to see my mom again." I tell them pausing to see if they had anything to say and they didn't cause they didn't speak up so I continued. "Plus you all already agreed so your both doing it." And the only one that spoke was Andrea.

"Is my da... I mean our dad gonna die?" She asked and she had mixed emotions on her face like scared and angry and fearful.

"I don't know." I pause for a moment. "It depends on how this ends." I say and it's the truth cause do I want him to die yes but then again no cause he's my father and we use to be best friends. And I just really don't know if he will or won't same with her mom.

Principal Turners POV

I'm getting more and more worried cause now Andrea and Jessica are not at school either. There parents don't know where they are at either and they have contacted to police now to and the police have nothing.

"Hey principle Turner any news?" Coach Ray walks in and asked looking really upset.

"No and I'm so worried cause it's been 20 more days and that makes it 35 days and now Andrea and Jessica are both missing too." I explain to her.

"Yeah but I bet they are with Alex to help her out." she says back to me.

"Yeah but wouldn't you think Alex and Jessica would go back to Jessica's house. Cause they haven't been there cause I called her mom and she told me she don't know where she or Alex is and that Andrea isn't friends with them because of the past so they hate each other." I explain to her and the police have nothing on where Alex, Jessica, or Andrea are at and I don't know how they don't.

"Yeah I know that cause I had to talk to Alex a couple of time because of what she would do to Andrea. I figured out why she does it to its cause Alex and Andrea have the same dad but they and a year or two a part." she says to me and that makes me wonder why they teamed up then.

"Yeah I knew that to but then why did they team up?" I questioned her.

"Well." she started to say trying to figure out the same thing as me. "Uh well either Andrea had something to do with it or she might be helping Alex out. Cause you know both Alex and Andrea hate their father." she came up with this conclusion and now that she says that she is probably right why didn't I think of it.

"Your probably right cause it's all making since now why didn't I think of that?" I questioned mostly myself.

Alan's POV

"It's been 1 month and 5 days since I had you." I pause for a moment "and Alex and Andrea are both missing." I say to my ex wife I wish I could just kill her but I want Alex to watch me kill her.

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