I Never Told You

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Alex's POV

She is up and she heard all I said. I'm sitting here staying in my head and starring at her like she has two heads. The only thing that took me away from my thoughts were she said something to me.

"Well are you gonna say something or keep starring at me like I'm some kind of freak that woke up from the dead." She said to me joking around kind of.

"Uh yeah sorry it's just that you were listening to me the whole time."

"Uh yeah kind of well I mean I heard most of it and I don't get a how are you feeling? Or can I get you the doctor? Nothing okay I see." She said to me.

"I'm sorry it's just wow you didn't try and move or even talk?" I asked her.

"Yeah I was but then I also kind of wanted to hear what you had to say and I'm kind of impressed that you said that. I never thought I would hear any of that come from you." She said sounding really surprised.

"Yeah well your not the only one my ma said that same thing." I said back.

"Is she alright and how long have I been out for you to tell her and probably Jess that before me." I asked me sounding really hurt that I told them before her.

"She's fine and look I'm sorry for telling them before you but you were out for like 2 weeks and I thought that I'd never get the chance to say it. So I told my ma which so happens Jess was standing by her." I explained to her cause I didn't want her to be upset with me but I wouldn't blame her for it cause of everything I put her through. If I was her I would be so upset that someone else knew before me but I think I'm over thinking this but oh well.

"I'm not mad it's fine but you said I was out for like 2 weeks it only feels like a day or so wow it also feels like I got hit by like 3 semi trucks." She told me.

"Yeah well you did get shot twice which I am so sorry for I didn't mean for that to happen." I said with so much emotion that I have never used since what happened with Alexis.

"Hey it's cool I agreed to go with and I knew the chances of everything that could or would happen. I still agreed to go you know so don't keep beating yourself up over it okay." She said to me but I will never forgive myself for it even if she did I wont be able to.

"So you want me to get the doctors for you?" I asked her cause it has been a couple of minutes since she's has woken up.

"Yeah sure that would be nice I guess. I just don't want to answer any questions you know." She told me

"Yeah I know it's just you have to do you can get out of here cause you don't want to be stuck here any longer right." I said to her cause if I was her I wouldn't want to be here any longer than I should have to be.

"Yeah your right." She said and I pushed to button that called for the nurse or doctor.

"You know I could have done that right." She said to me."

"Yeah I know you could have but I did." I said back to her.

"Thanks and you know what I'm glad to be your little sister." She said to me and that brought a big smile to my face and I was happy that after everything I have done to her she could forgive me so easily.

"That's great to hear cause you know what I'm happy to have you as a little sister. I'm also sorry for everything that I did to you ever since we were young. I don't know how you are able to forgive me for doing that cause I will never forgive myself for what I did to you." That's the truth I won't so for her to do it so easily I'm surprised to say. "I was just mad that you had my dad as your father and he left me and my mom for you and your mom. But now I see that when I was younger he was just using me and I wish he didn't. I just didn't want to believe that he left for you all so all the anger I had for him I took out on you." I explained to her and let's just say I wish I took my anger out on something else instead of her.

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