Chapter 2

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Celeste came back to the house that she rented out with Holly. She parked her compact Honda out front of the house, dreading going inside. Because she knew that Holly, while good-intentioned, was waiting to ask her questions because of the fact that Matt ended up ghosting her on the date. To the point where she went back onto the dating site and saw that the conversation thread that she had had with him had been deleted on his end because he had unmatched her. Which just further felt like rubbing salt into the wound of her first attempt back into the online dating scene.

Tossing her head back against the seat she closed her eyes, trying to keep the tears from coming since that tightness in the back of her throat had started up signaling the impending waterworks that would come. Which was just from the fact that she had seen that he had unmatched her. Leaving her with more questions than answers about what had spooked him so much that he decided instead of using his words he rather ghost her and stand her up on a date.

A knock on the window made Celeste jump in her seat as she looked out the passenger door and saw Holly standing just outside the car.

"You scared the crap out of me," Celeste said as she got up out of the driver's seat and exited the car. As Holly looked down at the driver's seat in question.

"Well must've done it literally or you would've had to go to a car wash and power wash that seat," she joked.

"Ha ha you are so funny," Celeste replied in a dry tone as she walked up the front yard with Holly right behind her.

"I'm guessing you don't want to talk about it,"

"Not right now. All I want to do is take my work uniform off and take a hot shower,"

"totally get it, I mean I wouldn't want to talk about how I got stood up on a date either. especially after such a dry spell,"Holly said as she opened the door to the rental house. And let Celeste go in before her.

"uh huh, well let's stop talking about this now. I'll be headed to the shower now,"

"message received, I'll get the drinks flowing while you relaCelest. And put on some trash television show," Holly said as she headed in towards the kitchen. Celeste walked further into the house, towards the back where your room was. Celeste walked in, putting her bag down on the floor and taking off black t-shirt that still had the remnant smell of hair dye lingering on it. Then her black jeans, collecting them and putting both items in the laundry hamper. Then followed her bra and underwear before she stepped into the shower and turned on the water, flinching at the cold water that splashed at her face until it started to turn warm.

She sat under the spray for a few minutes then started to rub the shampoo into her hair. then grabbed for the exfoliating scrub, rubbing it into her arms and then in her hands, rubbing them together until she felt warmth between her hands due to the pressure that she used to get the speckles of dye from her wrists where the black gloves she usually wore stopped.

Celeste's thoughts were of nothing or at least she was trying to not think of how humiliated she felt in that coffee shop.

She stopped her train of thoughts, because she knew it would only get worse from there. and she didn't need to be waking up the neCelestt morning with a raging headache from drinking way too much alcohol with Holly. Because while Holly is well-meaning, she can really egg on the drinking when she knows that that is a good distraction for Celeste, especially with how the night went tonight.

Celeste got out of the shower after ringing her hair of the remaining water and grabbed for the towel she had out on the towel rack and wrapped it around her and underneath her armpits. And walked out of her bathroom that was connected to her bedroom. going straight for her dresser and picking out a matching set of pajamas, a t-shirt and pants set. along with some underwear that she put on before she put on her pjs. Then she put her brown hair up in a loose bun on top of her head. She walked out back into the kitchen and saw that Holly was no longer there but was in the living room. a bottle of wine opened up on the coffee table with two glasses that were already full of wine.

A Deal WIth A Demon (Infernal Love Series Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now