Chapter 4

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Soon after Holly put the ouija board away, they sat on the couch finishing their glasses of wine. And watched a horrible reality show. Like they had planned for the evening. before everything got twisted around and they played that game.

Holly tipped back her glass as she finished her wine and placed her wine glass on the coffee table.

"So I'm gonna call it a night and try and get some sleep," she said as she leaned over and hugged Celeste before she got up and put her wine glass in the sink.

Leaving Celeste alone in the living room. The only light illuminating the room was the tv. She tapped her fingers against the wine glass that she was holding, contemplating if she should stay up and watch a little more tv or try to go to bed like Holly. Despite the fact that what happened this evening was going to burn in the back of her brain for eternity and sleep would be hard to find tonight.

She poured a little more of the wine from the wine bottle, finishing off the small amount that had been left in the bottle. And she brought the wine glass to her lips when she thought she saw something move in her peripheral vision. Like a quick dark shadow moving away from the tv.

she moved her head to the side and only saw the window that they had closed. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously at it though and got up and made sure that it was fully closed, making sure the latch to the old window was closed so that it couldn't be pushed up to open it. And then went back to sit on the couch.

She grabbed the wine glass, trying to focus her attention back on the tv to get back into the storyline. Bringing it up to her lips, she again saw something out of her peripheral this time on the right side of her.

Groaning, Celeste put the wine glass down and got up from the couch, walking across the carpet of the living room and through the hallway on the right that led to Holly's bedroom and opened the door.

"Nice try" Celeste said as she looked into the darkness of Holly's room and saw her roll on her side. Her face illuminated by her cellphone as Holly took out an earbud.

"What?" Holly asked, in a sleepy voice as she yawned.

"I said nice try, trying to scare me like that just now," Celeste said as Holly looked at her in confusion as she took the other earbud out of her other ear and sat up in bed.

"What are you talking about Celeste? I've been in here since I told you I was going to bed,"

Celeste smiled at her friend unconvinced. "So it wasn't you just now in the living room messing with me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I've been here since I left you in the living room. Just scrolling on my phone on social media before I get really tired and go to sleep," Holly said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I guess...I was just seeing things then. Sorry, I'll let you go back to your scrolling," Celeste said as she nodded her head and closed the door behind her slowly.

She walked back into the living room and grabbed the wine glass, downing the rest of it and putting the glass in the sink. And grabbed the remote from the coffee table in the living room and clicked off the tv.

As soon as she did that she made a quick run from it to her room that was across the hall from Holly's room. Making her mind think back to when she was a child and she would get up in the middle of the night to get something to drink and her mind would think of outrageous things that would freak her out, like a monster being in the living room, making her run back to her room.

Which is exactly the way she felt now, as she grabbed for the remote to her television and turned it on so that there would be some light in her room as she got under the covers. Because of course if there was some spookiness going on being under the covers would help her. Just like how she thought as a child. but this time it wasn't her imagination at all. She knew that she saw a dark shadow dart out twice around her while she was in the living room earlier.

Celeste slept hard. Which was a blessing considering the night that she had. She wanted to sleep soundly. Most times when she did so she never really dreamed. But that night she did. Usually her dreams were pleasant. But not tonight.

Celeste woke up startled from the dream and looked around her room, seeing it still be shrouded in darkness. Turning towards the open window that she always had open since she slept in the second story to let a breeze come in through the night.

She got up hastily from the bed, tearing the covers off of her as she went and walked quickly over to the window and slammed the older framed window closed, hard. And turned the latch-key closed.

The entire time her head was thinking back to that dream. And that ominous figure standing in the room. Making it feel like it was almost real, and that was something that would take awhile to shake from her mind.

The image of that figure in the room, in the corner and moving closer and closer to her while she laid in the bed. Feeling as if she was unable to move. Which made it ten times more horrifying to think back on. Because her usual trick of pinching herself in her sleep was unable to happen. And the only thing that got the nightmare to end was that figure snapping their fingers, almost as if it was letting her wake up. As if it was in control of the nightmare.

A Deal WIth A Demon (Infernal Love Series Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now