The attack

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Hello again. We now have the Titan Tvman ready, and in-case things go south, we have hatched a plan that should hopefully guarantee us getting the Titan Speakerman back.

If the Titan Tvman's hypnosis isn't enough we figured if we combine the forces of the Titan Tvman and Speaker Assets, we could boost the Titan Tvman's hypnosis. If this all doesn't work then we plan to have the laser canon hidden but have direct fire towards the Titan Speakerman, if that doesn't work, we'll have to rest and rethink.


Okay it didn't go as we hoped. Let me recite what happened for you.

We arrived in the battlefield, with the Skibidi Toilet Leader and infected Titan Speakerman both present. By this point sunrise had occurred. We noticed that The Skibidi Toilet Leader, which I'm now going to just call G-man Toilet, wasn't wearing the anti-hypnosis sunglasses meaning that the Tvmen have a strong fighting chance against G-man Toilet.

The Titan Tvman was hidden behind buildings keeping a watchful eye on the Titan Speakerman that was atop a large building, firing at whatever it could below. The Titan Tvman launched towards it, causing them both to collapse onto the ground, this caught quite the attention. The G-man Toilet stared at the commotion in confusion and frustration.

The Titan Tvman quickly beamed its hypnosis effect which only ended up stunning the Titan Speakerman, this was not exactly what we wanted. We didn't even know that the Speakermen could actually fall under hypnosis, we assume it managed to reach the parasite itself. We decided if we were to get results, we should send in the Speaker Assets to attach themselves to the Titan Tvman, and that's exactly what they did. What looked like regular giant speakers flew at high speeds to the Titan Tvman as it paused its hypnosis, the front speaker lost its helicopter blades once attached as the blades would cause interference, however the other two that attached to the front of the Tv Titan's shoulders kept their helicopter blades, however they would be lost later on.

Once connected, Titan Tvman was shifted into the new Cinemaman, Cinemaman screamed it's mighty song of hypnosis towards the shoulder of the Titan Speakerman, the Titan Speakerman actually slowing started reaching for the parasite on the back of it's neck.

It was amazing, Cinemaman was hypnotising the parasite which resulted in it controlling Titan Speakerman! This definitely means that with no parasite, Speakermen are immune to the Tvmen.

However this was not to last as the G-man Toilet ceased this activity immediately, it quickly fired both of its eye lasers and its laser canons towards Cinemaman, in which doing so eliminated the activity, this gave Titan Speakerman enough time to regain its corrupted thoughts and started firing straight into Cinemaman.

Cinemaman did not take kindly to this act and so stabbed its back spikes straight into the side of the head of the Titan Speakerman, completely tearing part of it off, this was not to plan and completely unexpected. Cinemaman vanished into smoke whilst the Titan Speakerman retreated in both fear and we assume, pain.

That was it, however we had one last shot, the laser canon, but right as we were firing it up, ready to shoot, a Skibidi Spider showed up and ate the head of the pilot of the laser canon, and proceeded to kill all men surrounding the laser canon.

One of the Large Speakermen flushed it from behind once it got there, but by this point Titan Speakerman was already gone, that was it, attack failed. We had to retreat, I'm just glad the canon wasn't destroyed.

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