Chapter 1

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Percy was humming, ready to go to the beach and propose to his wise girl. He had done the twelve labors and got Athena's blessing.

He walked along the beach and saw his wise girl, with another boy. He peered closer and saw them kissing. Annabeth being kissed passionately by that Son of Zeus, Jess Remord.

"Annabeth?" Percy croaked.

"Percy! It's not what it looks like," Annabeth frantically said.

"Really?! Well it looks like my girlfriend and another boy is making out. Please, enlighten me," Percy said with a humorless laugh.

"I'm sorry Percy," Annabeth said softly.

"Yeah, Percy. I'm her boyfriend now," Jess said, but Percy just ignored him.

"He makes you happy right? I respect that. Just so you know, this could be us," he pulled out a ring. There's a jewel on top and on the hoop carved 'wise girl and seaweed brain'. Annabeth gasped.

Percy opened Annabeth's hands and pushed the ring into her hands, "Keep it, I don't want it," then he left.

After a week, Percy became a living disaster. He got framed by Jess, Everytime people came to complain to him about their things, Jess would be smirking.

He had been framed for trampling over Katie's plants, even breaking Thalia's bow. Stealing Annabeth's computer and snitching on the Stolls. Only Nico stayed by him, believing him.

What made him most heartbroken was the things said to him by his most dearest friend and cousin.

"I can't believe I dated you. Give me back my computer! I know you took it, I'm sorry I broke up with you! I wish you never dated me!" This was said by Annabeth.

"Ugh! Percy, why did you break my bow? That was from Lady Artemis. I hope you die a painful death, never see me again. I hate you!" Screamed by Thalia. Nico had spent days trying to comfort him, but he was broken than ever.

Then after that day, he was an outcast. He was then summoned by Zeus.

"Perseus Jackson, you broke your friends' stuff and betrayed us. Evidence shown that you had the camp's map and circling different entrances. How do you plead?" Zeus boomed.

"Innocent," Percy said.

"That is the truth," Apollo said, earning glares.

"Brother, perhaps your power is being a bit... broken. Clearly, he's a traitor," Artemis said coldly. Though Apollo was sure.

"Percy, how could you? I trusted you!" Hestia said in disappointment .

"Hear me out! I was circling the camp's weakest points in hope to strengthen it. I did not destroy their things. I believe Jess did. He was smirking everytime I got framed!" Percy exclaimed, but no one trusted him except Apollo.

"You dare frame my son? You needed to be cast into the pit for this treason. No vote would be needed, I believe everyone agrees," Zeus said.

"But father, he was merely speaking the truth," Apollo protested.

"If you want to protect him that much, why don't you join him?" Zeus said, he opened a portal and zapped both of them down. Before that, Artemis shot an arrow at Percy's abdomen.

Percy and Apollo fell, until they reach ground.

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