Chapter 24

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"Oooh!  Where do you think they are going to do?" Aphrodite asked excitedly.

"Nothing you are gonna do," Jamie grumbled, still mad at the fact that his parents left him.

"Aww, come on.  Don't be such a pessimistic," Aphrodite pouted.

"All right, let's go talk to one of Dad's friends," Opal pulled Jamie and Amber away before he could retaliate.

They went to a group of people, the seven, to be exact.  Minus Percy, of course.

"Hi, you must be Opal, right? I'm Piper and this is my husband Jason," Piper stuck out her hand and Opal took it.

"Yes, I'm Opal Atalanta Jackson, that is Jamie Theseus Jackson and she is Amber Phoebe Jackson," Opal introduced.

"This is Jason, Nico, Annabeth, Hazel, Frank and Leo," Piper said.

"So, your mum is Lady Artemis?" Frank ask.

"So weird hearing people call mum lady," Jamie muttered.

"Yep," Amber said.

"Wow, seriously can't believe it," Hazel said.

"So, how old are you guys?" Nico asked.

"I'm 10, Jamie is 15 and Opal is 14," Amber said.

"Come on, let me, bad boy supreme take you around the camp," Leo said.

"Alright," Opal said.

Meanwhile, Percy and Artemis are back in the beach house.

"So you're telling me, we flashed out, left the hunters and our children at camp, just to let you do a painting?" Artemis asked.

"Yes?" Percy said with uncertainty.

Artemis sighed in defeat.

"Sit still," Percy commanded.  Artemis sat on the couch waiting for Percy to finish his painting.

"This is a masterpiece!" Percy exclaimed.

"Show me," Artemis said excitedly.  Percy showed her the painting he drew.  A stickman, with a few pieces of auburn hair, sitting on a couch,

"Seriously?" Artemis asked, rolling her eyes.

"Mhm," Percy nodded.

"Anyways, the kids have school tomorrow, we should pick them up," Artemis said.

"How about the hunt?  Should they stay at camp, let them beat the boys, you know?" Percy suggested.

"I'll ask them, come on," Artemis said, immediately flashing away in a spark of silver. Percy quickly followed in suit.

Even though Opal, Jamie and Amber are gods or maybe demigods, Percy and Artemis still wants them to have a normal life.  At least until age.

"Jamie, Opal, Amber.  We need to leave now, you have school tomorrow," Percy said.  He had gone to find his kids while Artemis went to talk with the hunt.

"But Mi'lady, you can't be serious!  This camp is filthy," Phoebe said.

"You can beat up the boys," Artemis added slyly.

"Deal!" Both Thalia and Phoebesaid at the same time.  The idea has perked their interests up.

"Alright, let's go," Artemis said, suddenly reappearing next to Percy.  Opal, Jamie and Amber jumped in surprise.

"Still gotta get used to that," Opal said, rubbing her eyes.

"Anyways, thank you guys for watching out for the kids," Percy said, waving at his friends. They bid farewell and went back to the house

"When can we go back? The camp is fun," Amber said.

"Summer time, but for now, you have school," Artemis said.  The kids groaned at the mention of school.  Nobody likes school except for geniuses.

The kids got ready for bed and they bid goodnight.

AN: I'm not gonna post that often, but I'll update it.  I have school and it's been quite busy.  Sorry!  Anyways, please vote, thank you!  I know this chapter is a bit rushed, but the next one will be better.

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