Chapter 19

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"The semi-finals fencing competition for teenagers will start in half an hour, please bring your necessities," the announcer said.

"Oh, Mummy, Daddy, look. That is Uncle Apollo and Uncle Hermes," Amber said, pulling two adults. They wore a simple cap, covering their eyes and hair. Though the female had unmistakable auburn hair.

"Nice to meet you," the male said.

"The competition will start now," the announcer said before Apollo had time to ask for their names.

"Jamie Jackson against Jacky Waters," the announcer said.

"Woohoo, come on Jamie," Hermes yelled.

"Wait, Jackson? Could be a coincidence," Apollo muttered to himself.

Jamie was impressive. His parents and Amber cheering him loudly. He was quick on his feet, good with his fencing stick (idk what it is called, I don't do fencing). With one final jab, Jamie won.

"Jamie Jackson won," the announcer announced.

"Next up is girls. Opal Jackson against Juliet Maveroo," the announcer said.

Opal was agile and flexible, she was quick on her feet too. Her skills greatly overtook Juliet's. She jumped around, switching between defense and offense. Finally, she won.

"Opal Jackson won! This season, the Jackson siblings won again," the person announced. Cheers erupted from everywhere.

Two big trophies were given to them after they won, then Artemis and Percy went down to congratulate them.

"Nice one Jamie and Opal. We can go to participate the international competition somewhere in Manhattan," Percy said, grinning and giving them high fives.

"Thank you again, Apollo," Percy turned to Apollo and Artemis.

"What's your name?" Apollo asked suspiciously.

"Well," Percy sighed.

"We knew we couldn't stay hidden forever," Artemis said.

"Hey Apollo, Hermes," Percy said.

"Artemis! Percy! Where have you guys been?" Apollo asked.

"Come, let's walk to our house and we'll explain," Percy said.

"Mum, Dad, you know them?" Amber asked.

"Yes, now go join your brother and sisters at the picture booth," Artemis said.

"Let us buy you something," Artemis turned to his brothers.

"Yea sure. Two latte," Apollo ordered.

"So are you two like," Apollo asked.

"Yea, we are married," Percy answered, grinning.

"Woah, when did that happen?" Hermes asked, suddenly interested.

"Well, when Artemis became mortal, she came to me for help. So there was this quest where we needed to go underwater and search for something. Well, the ocean was beautiful and it ended up being sort of a date," Percy said.

"After about 3 months, the quest ended and we continued dating, after 3 years, we got married. We married in Vegas so Hera won't find out, then we had three children," Artemis summarised.

"Wow," Apollo blinked his eyes.

"That was fast," Hermes finished.

"I guess, but wanna see pictures of our honey moon?" Percy asked, grinning.

"Perseus Achilles Jackson, if you dare show them that picture, I swear," Artemis left the threat hanging.

"Relax moonbeam," Percy said.

"Anyways, let's go home first. Opal, Amber, Jamie. Time to go home," Artemis called out.

"Yes, mum," They said in unision.

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