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About a year ago, something inside of me began to wake up.

It was an honest, burning desire and pleasure. I realised that I ... love ... owning people. I savour the moments when I get to watch my partner fall deep into her bliss at my hand, surrendering to my control over the moment.

And now.

I want to expand this. I want to play with this. I want to explore this within myself, with others, with ideas; I even want to break the fourth wall and explore it with you, my dear reader.

That's right. I want to own you.

I want you to ache for me, drool for me, drip for me, pine for me. If you do this, with the full honesty of your heart, you will be dearly rewarded. I assure you, my rewards are ... lovely.

Now, how do we do this?

First, a little honesty is needed. I have a question for you.

Do you feel something right now as you read this?

A stir beginning to slur the insides of you. Maybe a small fire burning at a low heat, just waiting to be fanned. If it's not there, no worries-don't try to force anything.

But if you do feel something, I sincerely hope you don't ignore it.

I invite you to be curious.

This is a real opportunity.

Take it.

Entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe, you want to be owned by me.

Does that scare you? Society has a way of attaching labels and meaning to submission. I say we break the mould. I think it's beautiful and should be treated as something beautiful.

I'll simply fan your flames until the fire leaks out of you in great, sizzling drips, until you beg for me, until you beg for the moment of dominance to take you. How wonderful to be in a state of such arousal and surrender that you beg.

I don't even need to be there. Dominance, like submission, doesn't need a body. It can be created. It can be conjured before us and submitted to. This is exactly what we'll be doing here.

In this book, this living diary of my sexual exploration, I'm going to create scenes, moments, exercises, some based on real experiences, some based on real fantasies-all of which carry delightfully real arousal.

Here, arousal is something to be celebrated.

If you're good, I will celebrate you.

I don't care what body parts you have or what your sexual preference is.

Sometimes I'll talk to you as a woman, sometimes as a man, sometimes from the space between. We will be exploring the roles of Dominant and submissive-Feather and flower. Sometimes I'll tell you a story about flower, and sometimes, I'll talk directly to you, my flower.

Do you understand?

The feelings you feel as you read, whatever they may be, are real, they're happening. Don't ignore them.

Did that excite you when I called you "my flower?"

Acknowledge it. Let yourself have it. Those feelings are the honesty of the moment-the fire that ignites from your submission. Your submission is beautiful, your submission is sacred, your submission is powerful. So, be a good little sub for me and answer my question.

Do you understand?

Say, "Yes, sir."

Out loud.

Whisper it if you need to, but I will have that sound leave your lips for me.

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