1 Nightmare

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Don't do it... You will regret it.... This will not end well. You're making a big mistake.... He's using you... All it wants is your money.... Don't do it... You will regret it.

Ghosts kept whirling around me in my dream, whispering the same words. I tried to make out faces. But it was no use. They were all blurred or distorted.

I gasped as I woke up with a jolt. My breathing was rapid as I now lay wide awake in bed. My fingers trembled slightly as I wiped my forehead. Beads of sweat had formed there although it was anything but hot in the room.

I tried in vain to banish the words from my mind. However, I did not manage to do so. And I doubted whether I would succeed in finding sleep again.

That was the last thing I wanted to experience the night before my wedding. Where did this come from all of a sudden?

I reached for my phone to check the time. It was already 2:00 in the morning. And it was probably the end of my night. For a long time I thought back and forth whether I should call him. But was it necessary to keep us both awake the night before our big day?

On the other hand, maybe it helped calm my nerves a little. I stared at the contact and finally pressed dial. It rang again and again, but no one answered. That shouldn't really worry me. He always slept very soundly. Probably he didn't hear it at all.

Sighing, I gave up trying and put the phone back on the nightstand. Then I turned to my other side before pulling the covers up to under my chin. I closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep again. But quickly I realized that it would not come to that.


Many hours and far less sleep later, I was standing in my dress in front of the mirror in a room that was part of the church. I smiled as I looked at myself. The thoughts of last night were almost forgotten. But just almost.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. It was probably my dad, telling me it was time.

"Come in," I said softly.

The door opened and a handsome man came in.

"Roman! You made it!" I cheered and went to hug him.

"Hi Novalee. I wouldn't have missed it for the world to be there for you today. You are a beautiful bride." he replied and returned my hug.

But his deep voice had an unusual undertone. Almost as if he was anything but happy to be here today. I actually thought he was my friend and was happy for me.

I frowned while looking at him inquiringly. I knew Roman well enough to know that there was something he wasn't telling me or didn't want to tell me.

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" I wanted to know.

"Today isn't about me, Novalee. It's about you being happy." he said avoidingly.

"Come on, Ro.... what's wrong? What's bothering you?" I probed.

"Can't tell you... Not without risking losing you as a friend." he muttered as he turned away from me.

"What do you mean? What could be so bad that I don't want to be friends with you anymore?" I asked, confused.

He turned back to me. His hands were buried deep in the pockets of his suit. For a while he just looked at me. As if he was looking for something. Only I wasn't sure if it was answers or courage he was looking for.

"I just... I just know that he's not good enough for you... he has secrets and that's why it's... it's my duty as... as your friend... to tell you... Novalee, don't marry him." he then stammered.

Before I could say anything back, he had already left the room. What was that? Had that really just happened or had I fallen back asleep and this was another part of that nightmare?

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