3 Pain

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I stuffed the last bit of his junk into one of the boxes. However, I didn't bother to be particularly careful. I didn't even wrap the fragile stuff. Let it break. Then his possessions would be just like my heart.

I began to fear that the doorbell would ring. Because that meant I had to look that son of a bitch in the eye when he came to get his stuff. To distract myself a little, I sat down at the piano. My fingers hovered over the keys, but I couldn't bring myself to play a tune. Not a single note. It was like I was stuck.

Music had always been my escape. But at the moment it seemed like it had been lost in the betrayal as well. I just couldn't turn my head off. Again and again I wondered why the hell I hadn't noticed anything. And then I wondered how long this had been going on behind my back.

Then it was time. The doorbell I had expected and yet it startled me. With a deep sigh I got up to make my way to the door. Thank God his key no longer matched, because the first thing I did was have the locks changed.

But when I opened the door I was surprised. It wasn't my ex. It was Roman.

"Hi Novalee." he said softly.

However, I didn't answer him. Instead, it was a slap in the face that greeted him.

"I guess I deserved that one." he said muttering as he followed me into the house.

"You sure do! How could you wait so long to tell me, Roman! I thought we were friends. Instead, you betrayed me too!" I yelled.

"I wanted to tell you sooner, but-" he began.

"But what? I just wasn't important enough to you. Yet you had no problem ruining my wedding," I continued to yell.

"Are you saying you would have rather married him and found out about it at some point? Listen, Shortcake... I didn't know what to do.... What would have happened if you hadn't believed me? Would you still be my friend? I told you I didn't want to lose you. But then...I realized... I couldn't keep it from you any longer and I can understand if you don't want to see me again.

If that's the price for you not marrying that lying, cheating bastard who just wanted to rip you off... Fine, I'll pay it. Still, I hope you can forgive me someday," Roman replied calmly.

"I don't know what to say to that, Roman. But you should know that it's possible that you destroyed more than one relationship that day," I whispered.

Immediately I saw the pain in his eyes. Roman swallowed as if he didn't want me to see how much it hit him. He turned to go. He opened the door and was about to leave when I heard another voice.

"Well, well, well... What's going on here? Have you replaced me already?" I heard the voice I never wanted to hear again.

"Just get your stuff and leave," I said tiredly.

"Come on, baby... Let me explain. You've got it all wrong. You're the only woman for me." he said.

"The only woman with enough money for you." muttered Roman.

"What was that?" hissed Arthur.

"Roman please... just go. I can handle this on my own. And you... it's all in boxes. Take it and get out of my life. I've heard enough to know what you've been doing behind my back," I said.

"I didn't do anything. I swear this is all just a misunderstanding." He cooed as he moved closer to me.

"Misunderstanding my ass! You heard what she said you creep. Fuck off!" growled Roman as he stood between us.

"Oh the big protector. Now I realize a few things. He's the reason you crashed the wedding. Let me know when he's done playing with you, baby. I'll always be here for you," Arthur said.

"God you are so delusional! Roman is like a big brother to me. And I can prove that to you!" I replied loudly.

And before I had a chance to think about what I was doing, I grabbed Roman's hand and turned him around to face me. I put my hands to his cheek and pulled him down to me.

Then I pressed my lips to his. But what was supposed to be a little smooch... was suddenly like someone had turned on a light.

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