17 Threat

632 20 17

Roman POV

"Oh my God." gasped Nova, slapping her hands over her face in disgust.

"That's it. We'll go to the police right now. They can't dismiss it as a minor thing this time. Go get dressed, Shortcake. I'll get a trash bag and wrap this up so we can show the cops." I said as I pulled her away from the package.

"And then what? They'll just say again that it's not enough. That it's not a threat. We still don't have proof that he's behind this," she replied, but I could see the fear clearly in her eyes.

"It doesn't matter. I'm not going to sit around and wait for something to happen to you. Oh, and you're coming to my place for now. There's no way I'm leaving you here alone when I have to go to work," I said, really struggling to keep my voice calm.

"As if that would help. He'll still find a way." retorted Nova as she began to shake.

"Hey, calm down. He won't. I'm going to make sure you're safe. Do you hear me? Nothing is going to happen to you." I assured her as I took her face in my hands.

"I know. I trust you. But how are we going to do this? I can't work at your place. Unless you have a piano hidden in your gym?" she wanted to know.

"You don't need the big piano, right? We could move the digital piano and your recording equipment from the studio to my place. Hell, I'll buy you a new studio with digital piano and set it up at my place. I'll have it delivered by tomorrow if I have to. But you're not staying here. Got it?" I replied, my voice a growl.

"Okay..." she breathed softly as her eyes filled with tears.

I knew I was probably a little scary myself, but that was only because I definitely didn't want anything to happen to her. Part of me just felt that the danger was real and that it was too close to us. We had to act. And if the police did nothing, then I would do it myself. I would hunt this bastard and bring him down myself. I didn't care that we didn't know for sure that it was her ex. For me it was clear from the first moment.

Actually, I should have done something long ago, but I was too absorbed, too happy with Novalee to give too much thought to anything else. A mistake as I now realized. We were too careless, even if the first letter was many weeks ago.

I pressed a long kiss to her forehead before letting go so she could get ready. With anger bubbling inside me, I watched Nova make her way upstairs before I went into the kitchen to get a garbage bag.

I quickly stuffed the box with the flowers and maggots into it and sealed it tightly. Then I also made my way upstairs to get dressed. Again and again I tried to take a deep breath. However, I did not succeed a bit.

Was he watching her... us for real? Or was it only a phrase with which he wanted to make her worry. Should it only unsettle us or was there really more behind it?

Half an hour after the messenger had delivered the flowers, we were on our way to the police station. I could feel how tense Nova was. She was bouncing her legs as she sat next to me in the car. I reached for her hand and held it tightly, hoping that it would calm her down a bit.


Novalee POV

Two hours later we were now back at my house and were both equally frustrated. Of course, this visit to the police had also brought nothing except to increase our anger.

There was nothing they could do. It was not a crime to send letters and flowers. I had not been directly threatened. We can't prove that it was Arthur. And all this yada yada yada.

I could see how close Roman was to wringing the officer's neck. But the last thing we needed was for him to get in trouble.

"I guess I'll go pack. Could you maybe... I don't know... organize a truck for my equipment? I don't think we can get the digital piano into one of our cars..." I said as I grabbed his hand and we headed inside.

"Good idea. Wait a minute, Shortcake..." he replied and pulled me back just as I was about to let go of his hand.

He wrapped me protectively in his arms and I did the same. I looked up at him. Immediately I saw how hard he tried to stay calm. But he was as unsuccessful as I was. Neither of us said it. Still, we both felt how near the threat seemed.

"I love you, okay? And I promise you nothing will happen to you. We will sort this mess out." Ro said, his voice so deep it vibrated in his chest.

"I love you, too. And I'm so happy to have you. This is all my fault. I let that asshole into my life. If I had been smarter, I would have seen his games right away. I feel really stupid." I replied, hanging my head.

"Shortcake...none of this is your fault. Even the best, brightest minds make a mistake now and then. All that matters is that we have each other. He's just a pathetic low-life who screwed it up for himself. A jealous guy who can't take no for an answer. But he will. Because I know you much better than he does. You're not going to let this get you down. You're my tough cookie." he said as he lifted my chin with his index finger.

Without waiting for an answer, he gave me a long kiss. There was so much love in this one kiss that I didn't doubt his words for a moment. I knew that I was tough. I always had to be. Especially considering how much time I spent with those wild boys as a kid. Because I've never been the type to stay out of trouble. I was always in the middle of it and that included one or two scuffs.

A few minutes later I was on my way to pack. It didn't take long since I already had a few things with Roman anyway.

"Can you get the other suitcase? It's still in the closet." I asked Roman as he gently put my guitar in the car.

"Sure. I'll be right back." he replied, giving me a kiss on the hair.

As he went inside, I went over in my head if I had everything. Then I remembered that I had forgotten my laptop. But before I could take a step towards the house, I was grabbed from behind and felt a sting.

Before I could react or scream, everything around me went dark. I felt myself slump to the ground as my consciousness quickly faded.

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