36 First the baby

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Novalee POV

"Welcome home, buddy." said Roman gently to our boy as he carried him into the house.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw my two men together. And even though I was dead tired and sore as hell, it was a moment I certainly wouldn't forget. Little Lucian had our whole hearts in his tiny hand.

The whole time we were in the hospital I couldn't take my eyes off this new little person. Part of me couldn't believe how fast it all went, but I was so thankful for it. Because I was well aware that it could have taken much, much longer for me to hold him in my arms.

What gave me additional butterflies in my stomach was to see Roman with our son. The way his eyes lit up and dimples formed around his mouth showed me how in love he was with this little bundle too.

"How are you, Mommy?" he asked me as he set Lucian in his seat down on the table and then wrapped me in his arms.

The little man was sound asleep. He hadn't noticed anything about the ride home. But I knew he probably wouldn't always be this calm and sleepy. The first night had already shown us that clearly.

"Tired and really hungry, but very happy to have him home. How about you, Daddy?" I replied as I laid my head against his chest and sighed.

"Tired too. Why don't you get some sleep while Lucian is still asleep? I'll make you a snack." said Ro and then gave me a kiss on the hair.

But as if on cue, the baby started crying. Probably he was hungry by now too.

"Well, so much for that. First the baby... Then we can make ourselves something to eat." I replied, but then stretched so I could give my husband a kiss.

"Can you carry him upstairs?" I then wanted to know.

"Sure. Come here my little bean." replied Roman before taking Lucian out of his seat.

He gave the baby a kiss on the forehead before we made our way upstairs together. Such a sweet sight it was to see how tiny our son looked in his father's arms. 

I sat down in the rocking chair and made myself comfortable with the nursing pillow before Ro gave me the baby. He looked at me before cooing a little.

"I know, baby boy. You're so hungry. That's right. You need to eat a lot if you want to grow up to be big and strong like your daddy." I said to him as he latched and began to nurse eagerly.

I thought I heard a relieved sigh from him, but I was probably imagining it. I slowly stroked his dark hair with my fingertips. I tried to absorb every little detail, because I knew that it would change so quickly.

When I looked up, I saw Roman's gaze resting on us. He looked so at peace. As if his world was complete. At least for the moment. I always knew that he wanted a big family, like the family he grew up in. And I myself couldn't imagine anything better than seeing our children grow up together. So that they always had someone to lean on. A squad that always supported them in everything.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted, however, when the doorbell rang.

"I guess it's the grandparents. Why am I not surprised they're early?" said Roman after a quick glance at the clock.

"Well, we know they couldn't wait. They probably left the second you called them to say we could go home today," I replied gently, not wanting to disturb the baby.

"Yeah, that sounds like something they would do. Take your time. They can wait a few extra minutes." he said before bending down to me and giving me a kiss.

"I love you, Shortcake. And you little man." he then said.

"I love you too. Now go before they kick the door down." I laughed.

It was meant as a joke, but we both knew that neither my parents nor his were the most patient people on this earth. And certainly not when it came to seeing their grandson for the first time.

"Okay Mister Lucian... Let's get you cleaned up. There are some people downstairs that can't wait to see you. But don't worry, all you have to do is cry and Mommy and Daddy will rescue you, all right? I love you, my baby." I said to him as I got up and put him on the changing table.

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