2 It's not him

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Without thinking, I followed Roman out of the room. I had to know what he meant. And there was no way it could wait.

"Roman stop!" I shouted.

I saw him freeze and then take a deep breath before he seemed to slump a little. Then finally he turned to me.

"What do you know that you don't want to tell me? If you have a good reason, please tell me. Otherwise, it's just cruel to burden me with something like this minutes before my wedding. Spit it out," I said with my hands on my hips.

He looked at me uncomfortably as he seemed to consider what exactly he could tell me.

"Here's the thing... I saw him in a bar a few weeks ago. He didn't see me, though. And he was there with a whole bunch of women. I heard him bragging about how he's going to be rich soon. And then... then there's the fact that he invited not just one of his exes to your wedding, but two.

I know you love him, but trust me.... He has no good intentions. We've known each other since we were little, Novalee. I remember you running after me with your little bunny under your arm whenever you and your mom came to visit us.

You probably don't remember that. After all, you were only 3, but you called me your one big protector. I always have been. And will continue to be.

It is not too late. You don't have to go into that church. Just walk away. I promise you, you will find your one. But he... it's not him," he finally said.

Then he gave me a kiss on the cheek and went on his way again.

Slowly I tried to process what Roman had just said. Could it really be the truth? Had I really been that blind?

I needed answers and I needed them now. With quick steps I made my way to the room where he was getting ready for the ceremony. But before I could knock on the door, I heard voices.

What I heard made my worst nightmares come true. My blood froze in my veins.

"Don't worry... Everything is working out excellently. We'll see each other again soon. I promise. And then we'll celebrate all night long. I even have a present for you already. I love you, baby." he said before the sound of kisses could be clearly heard.


Roman POV

I sat down next to my mom and the rest of the family as everyone waited for the wedding to begin. Well...everyone except me.

Hopefully Novalee would reconsider. The last thing I wanted was for her to run into disaster. I knew my timing was bad as hell, but it was better if she knew beforehand and had a choice.

The music started playing and there he was. That motherfucker. It took a lot of strength for me not to get up and knock him to the ground myself. I wanted to wipe the arrogant smirk off his face. How dare he? He had won the heart of this wonderful, pure, talented woman and he would break it without a second thought.

Then all eyes turned to the door. There she was and my heart sank. But it didn't take long for me and everyone else to realize that something was off. Novalee was not on her father's arm, nor did she have her bridal bouquet in her hands.

With quick steps she walked, or rather ran, down the aisle until she was standing in front of her fiancé. Without saying a word, she stared at him. And then she slapped him across the face. His head whirled around before he held his cheek, which was burning without question.

A shocked roar went through the church. No one could believe what had just happened. Only I couldn't help grinning. I was so proud of my girl.

Novalee pulled the engagement ring off her finger and threw it with full force through the church.

"I'll leave it to you to explain to everyone why there will be no wedding today, you lying, cheating son of a bitch. You and I are done." she said loudly for all to hear.

Then she hurried out with resolve. The stares and whispers followed her until Novalee slammed the heavy door behind her.

"What was that all about?" my mother asked.

"I guess Novalee woke up from a nightmare just in time," I replied.

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