28 Surprise

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Novalee POV

"A few more and then we'll have it." said the photographer as we posed.

It was fun and I couldn't wait to see the wonderful pictures from that day. But what I wanted more now were a few uninterrupted minutes with my husband before the reception.

This day had been such an emotional roller coaster so far. And we hadn't had a moment just for the two of us. Although there was nothing more important to me than Roman.

After the photographer said he was done for now, Ro and I retreated. Hand in hand we walked through our garden into the house to relax a little.

"I can't get over how stunningly beautiful you look, Shortcake. i love you so much." he said as he took my hands in mine and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you, Ro. And I love you more. You are at least as beautiful. If not more." I replied as I reached out to reach his full lips.

"You are so charming, but I assure you that is not true. You're glowing. Speaking of that.... Wouldn't now be the perfect moment for my surprise?" he wanted to know.

"What are you talking about? I don't have a surprise for you..." I replied, confused.

"Oh yes you do. I found a little something. I've known for a while, but I thought you were waiting for our wedding day to tell me," Roman said with a big, happy grin.

But I really didn't have the slightest idea what he was talking about. I thought for a moment about what he could possibly mean. But nothing came to mind.

"Roman, I'm serious... I have no surprise for you. I don't know what you think you've found.... Can you be a little more specific?" I asked.

"I know today you were going to tell me you are pregnant." he replied still beaming.

"What? Ro, no. I'm not pregnant. I'm... I'm sorry to disappoint you, but... I'm not." I explained to him.

"But... when I took out the trash the other day... there was a positive test in the trash. So I thought you were going to surprise me with it today." he said, frowning.

Obviously, he was now as confused as I was.

"A positive one? But how is that.... Every single one was negative. Are you sure about that?" I asked.

Then I watched as he reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled something out. It was one of the pregnancy tests I used. He turned it so I could clearly see the small display panel. And holy shit! It was indeed positive!

"Oh my God!" I whispered as I put my hands over my mouth.

"So you really didn't know? But.... are we pregnant or not?" wanted Roman to know.

"I... I don't know... Maybe I should do another test. Good that we are at home," I replied.

I might have made a calm impression, but that was very deceiving. Everything in me was upside down. The possibility that I was perhaps already pregnant without knowing it buzzed in my thoughts back and forth.

"Can you handle the dress or do you need my help?" he wanted to know as we made our way to the bathroom.

"I think I can handle it. Wait here..." I said as I grabbed a test from the dresser.

I closed the door behind me and unpacked the test before doing what I had to do. But then suddenly I heard voices in the bedroom.

"Where are you two, Roman? All the guests are waiting for you! Is everything all right?" I heard Pat's voice.

She sounded a little suspicious. And probably a bit displeased because we were all waiting for us. But I couldn't think about that at the moment and I knew Roman felt the same way.

"We'll be right there. Nova just had to go to the bathroom and it's a little complicated with the dress," Ro replied.

"Aha. I hope that's all and you guys aren't up to any shenanigans again. Novalee, sweetie... do you need any help?" I heard her say and then knock on the door finally.

"No, Pat, I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I replied a little breathlessly.

While in my mind I hoped she would please just leave. This really wasn't a family moment. Luckily it stayed quiet, so I hoped she had left. I quickly washed my hands before going back into the bedroom. My gorgeous husband was nervously pacing the room. He had been very confident, but now he seemed to have doubts that the test he had found was correct.

I wondered meanwhile how he had managed to keep the whole thing to himself for four weeks. He must have been very determined not to spoil the so-called surprise for me. But when I thought about it... He had said one or two things that I might now take a little differently.

"That's it... I just know it." he said when he saw me.

Roman hugged me gently. He radiated such confidence that I wished it wasn't just a fluke that the old test was suddenly positive.

A glance at the clock showed me that the time was up. I looked up at Roman and gave him the test. He took a deep breath and then turned it over in his hands.

And the big smile on his face could only mean one thing.

"We're really having a baby!" he cheered, lifting me off my feet.

He pressed his lips to mine in a loving yet passionate kiss.

With this unplanned surprise... with this beautiful gift, this already special, amazing day suddenly became so much more beautiful.

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