27 Everything

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Novalee POV

With my eyes closed, I took a deep breath. This was it. The big day. My mom and Roman's mom had helped me get ready because I was too nervous to be around other people. The two of them, along with Roman of course, were always my calming influences. No matter what happened, I could count on them to calm me down.

But now I had asked them to give me a few minutes alone. I guess it was normal to be nervous in this situation. Still, I didn't expect this amount of nervousness. The butterflies in my stomach were dancing like crazy. I had a hard time suppressing the tears of joy and anticipation. 

Although I've been at this point before, it felt so much better now. So much more natural in a way I hadn't expected.

Finally, I opened my eyes and looked at myself. Immediately a soft smile appeared on my face. I felt beautiful and knew that Roman would love it.

This dress was so me. I had not tried to find something that would please everyone. I picked it because I had this special feeling the first time I saw it. Something I definitely didn't have to this extent the first time.

My fingers slid over the delicate spaghetti straps of the wedding dress. Then over the floral lace covered sweetheart neckline of the top. My hands slowly moved down to the wide flared tulle skirt which was also covered with floral lace. The small pearls glittered in the light coming through the windows. The simple veil fell loosely over my shoulders. Everything matched perfectly with the beautiful engagement ring Roman had chosen.

Then I took a quick look out the window. Everything was perfect. The aisle was decorated with many flowers in orange and red and yellow. The garlands of autumn leaves swayed in the gentle breeze. And the pumpkins and the lanterns with candles completed the picture.

I knew that it would look the same in the tent. The tables were decorated the same way. Only that in addition there would be a lot of fairy lights. I could hardly wait to see it later.

At that moment there was a knock at the door. My heart leapt because I knew it was my father. It was time.

"Hello, my darling. You look beautiful." said Dad and had to swallow not to let his own feelings get the better of him.

"Thank you, daddy." i whispered.

"Shall we?" he asked.

I nodded and picked up my bridal bouquet of chrysanthemums, hydrangeas and roses. It was perfectly coordinated with everything else.

Dad held out his arm to me and after I took another deep breath, we headed out. Off to meet Roman.


Roman POV

Finally, the time had come. The music changed and the guests rose as Nova and Bill came into view.

I gulped when I saw my bride. Although I had expected her to be so beautiful, the reality surpassed any fantasy by far. She looked like an angel. She was positively glowing. And when she saw me, her shy smile turned into a big, loving one.

With everything I had in me, I had to pull myself together so that I wouldn't run towards them and snatch Nova away.

It seemed to take so long for my angel to finally be with me. But still I soaked up every moment. Memories of all the years we knew each other came into my head. How she went from this little, shy girl, to a wild, adventurous teenager, and finally to this beautiful, talented woman.

When I finally took her hand in mine, I felt that I was home.

"Hi." she said shyly, smiling at me.

"Hi Shortcake." I replied before lifting her hand and pressing a kiss on it.


"And now it's time for the vows. Roman and Novalee, please tell each other what you want all the people present to hear." the priest finally said.

"Roman... I can't believe how many years we knew each other and yet didn't realize what we could have had. But now... it makes me all the happier and more blessed to be able to call you mine. You have always been a part of my life. Maybe bigger than I realized at the time. You are my other half, my puzzle piece.

I was born to love you. God had a plan for us from the beginning. Even though you ran away from me after a kiss when you were a little boy. You once promised me never to run away from me again and that's why we're here today. Because we are no longer this little girl and this little boy.

I love you, Roman. With every fiber of my being. I love you. You are my protector, my love of life. Roman, you make me strong. You give me strength whenever I need it. Just the thought of you creates a melody in my heart that never stops. I promise to always be by your side, no matter what may come. You and I are one," said Nova as she looked deep into my eyes.

"Shortcake, sorry... Novalee... my beautiful Novalee. I know that people probably think that it wasn't exactly love at first sight between us. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it probably was exactly that.... Love at first sight. Part of me has always felt the need to protect you, and all my life I've done just that.

Even if my timing wasn't the best now and then, I wouldn't change a thing. Because it is the reason I get to marry you today. God works in mysterious ways, but he always has a plan. It took us years to realize what we had all along, but that makes it all the more precious.

I love you, Shortcake. And I will love you for the rest of my life. But even the end can't stop me from loving you for all eternity. For now, though, I can't wait to see what our life together will look like," I said after collecting myself for a moment.

The priest declared us husband and wife and said that I could now kiss my bride. That was something I didn't have to be told twice. Very carefully I took her face in my hands and gave her the first of a million kisses as her husband.

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