Daughter, meet Father

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How could they? How could they do this to me? Clary was running down the street, feeling so betrayed. Her mother mutilated her life. Her memories were altered. Something that never belonged to Jocelyn. Jocelyn also chose to try to change what Clary was. A shadow hunter. She was done.
"Clarissa." Clary somehow found herself on Blackwell Island, with her father for company. "Yes?" "I never knew your mother was pregnant when she left me." Valentine said very softly. "I looked for her for years. Then, when I finally found her, she spat at me that she left me because I turned our first child into a monster. "
"She left before I could do the same to our second. I understand how you are feeling. Confused, upset, betrayed. I don't expect you to jump up and join me. To leave your entire life. All I ask of you is to let me take the mortal instruments."
He turned to the portal. Clary thought fast. This was her father. Her mother abandoned her, naked, weak, powerless to the world. Here was her real father, back from the dead, offering to make her strong and to take care of her. "Val-father! I-I choose to join you. I want to become a shadow hunter and to be trained. Please."
Valentine turned around, smiled slightly. He asked her if she was sure. "Yes. I want to be a shadowhunter." He guided her to the glass portal, and together they stepped into Idris, surrounded by rolling green hills. Valentine grasped Clary in a fatherly embrace, saying proudly, " Welcome home, my daughter."
She was in the room she was given, brushing her hair. It was a lost cause. She never liked her hair, or her freckles. She was tucking in a strand of hair behind her ear that she saw something. It was an odd mark, a rune. But this one spoke of change. More specifically in physical appearance. She took the stele that Valentine gave her, and with a shaking hand, drew a line through the rune.
It was like a large, shimmering curtain was cut down. Her hair started to almost stretch, leaving her hair longer and pin straight. Her hair was rippling, her hair starting to white-blond from the roots to the tips. Her hair now reached her waist. She was shuddering with shock. Her skin was burning, the places where the silver fire touched, left pale freckle-less skin like ivory. She started screaming.
Her eyes felt like they were on fire. She finally got the courage to look in the mirror of the silver vanity. Her eyes were now a very dark green, with a black ring surrounding the pool of pine green. She started sobbing. Valentine rushed in, eyes filled with alarm. When his gaze reached his daughter, his eyes widened. His calm exterior cracked for a second, in shock of the revelation.
Clary looked up through her red eyes. "She did this," she began dully. "She wanted to change me so much she actually morphed my appearance. She had me live, thinking I was a curly red head with freckles and light green eyes all my life. Because I somewhat resembled you. WHY? WHY DID SHE DO THIS TO ME?! I don't know who I am anymore...."
Valentine gave a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Do you see what must happen Clarissa?" She looked at him, and nodded. "Father, I even hate my own name. That woman named me, and I can't stand bearing the name she gave me, and that phony surname."
"What do you want to call yourself then?" Clary looked at the mirror in front of her. This was the last time she was Clary Adele Fray.
"Seraphina Olivia Morgenstern."

How did you guys like the first chapter? It was kinda fast, but you know, I tried to portray Clary/Serapina(?)'s view on the events. I am going to have Um Seraphina meet Sebastian....or Jonathan? This multiple identity thing is giving me a headache. Sorry about ooc Clary/Seraphina, ooc Valentine and Jocelyn. But if Clary were to join Valentine, she and Jocelyn would have to be a bit ooc. Valentine was ooc cause I want to portray him as a bit more likeable character. I have some questions. Do you think Seraphina and Jonathan should become parabatai? How about fatherly Valentine? Clabastian? I don't know about Clabastian though. I might want to portray them as more friends/siblings than lovers, for something interesting. What about weirdly wonder-twinish Jonathan and Seraphina? Should the new Clary/Seraphina run into Jace? If you are a clabastian shipper I have just completed my story Her Own Dark Angel which I would recommend. Please comment your ideas! :)

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