Mother, meet child

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After the crazy news from Lilith, Seraphina was put to bed rest. In a bunker. Of course Jonathan was there all the time, but Seraphina couldn't help but feel imprisoned. She still felt sad that she would have to see these babies grow and die. But she started to love them. This was her curse, she suddenly remembered. Hers was the opposite of Lilith's, where Lilith was cursed to bear no children, Seraphina was cursed to bear children, love them, watch them die, bear more children, the cycle continuing. Forever.
It sucked. She sang shadowhunter and mundane lullabies to her unborn children. She could just imagine them! Each one more beautiful than a fairy, and as beautiful as an angel. Of course the children of heaven and hell would be inhumanely beautiful. Her children would be her everything. And she would lose them. She randomly got cravings for raw meat, which Jonathan happily got for her.
Jonathan swiped demon and Angel blood from Father's lab. He first took the demon blood, put it in a syringe, and injected it directly into her womb. She screamed. She cried. Then, he took the angel blood and did the same. She screamed some more. Instead of feeling corruption, she felt like a battle was occurring in her womb. Light against darkness, Heaven against Hell.
She cursed at her brother. She screamed at him, telling him he just started a battle inside her.
The time had come. Seraphina was having contractions, having to push with all her might. Her full stomach quivered.
"You have a son."
Seraphina pried her eyes open, she felt terrible. She saw a glimpse of a bundle, a shock of snow white hair, and eyes like pure gold. She remembered the odd injections, and her son must have taken the angel blood. More cries followed. More bundles followed. Three more, to be exact. Two boys and two girls. Her second son had bright blood red hair, and with eyes the color of obsidian. Her first daughter had pale, white hair like her brother, but had eyes the color of lavender. And Seraphina's second daughter had red hair with eyes like fresh blood.
Their names were Dorian, Julian, Alexis, and Juliette. Jonathan was proud of his children, and showered Seraphina with gifts. Valentine was suspicious of the children, but still did not know who the father was. One time he even asked if Seraphina was raped by a demon. She, of course said no, and gave him a sharp look. She knew that her children were going to be her heart,soul and life. She would spend as much time with them before they would get carted off to war.
That's what she would do. Jonathan would visit her and the children every day, but never when Valentine was visiting, so Valentine never would catch the children clutching at her skirts already, calling him "Daddy". The children were already talking and walking, at the ripe age of a month. Whenever Valentine would question what she knew of the father, she would just say, "He was incredibly powerful." Father was already in war with the Clave. She was constantly in fear of her children being adults next week, and having to kill. Being killed.
After a month and a half, Seraphina was pregnant again. Jonathan was now having to be in the war. His visits would halt till things cooled down. In her desperate hope for her children to live long, she would draw runes of peace, strength and happiness in her already swelling womb.
Father was having a conference. It was with the shadowhunters of the New York Institute. Since Jonathan was in battle, Seraphina had to attend. Of course, her stomach was hidden the table, and a dress that was made to disguise her pregnant stomach. The moment that the shadowhunters entered the meeting room, Seraphina was nervous. Because a certain Isabelle Lightwood was there, and she witnessed Seraphina and her brother in a state of love in that alley. And of course, Seraphina was right.
"YOU!" Isabelle Lightwood was there, pointing at Seraphina accusing. Seraphina stayed calm. "Hello, I am Seraphina Morgenstern, daughter of Valentine Morgenstern and sister to Jonathan Morgenstern." Isabelle looked disgusted and growled. "Yeah, Jonathan, who you are FUCKING!" Seraphina turned very pale. She quickly gave a sideways glance at her father. He had on his mask that meant he was hiding his emotions. "What does the Lightwood girl mean, Seraphina?"
It took a couple of seconds for Seraphina to compose herself. "Just atrocious lies, father." She replied coolly. As Valentine was about to respond, a flash of red hair was there, being hidden away by Jace's large figure. It was Jocelyn. "C-Clary?" She whispered in awe.
Isabelle had to admit it was very amusing to see Seraphina and Valentine's faces. It was even better than when she blabbed about Seraphina's thing with her brother. Valentine was shocked and he was struggling to gain his cool back. Seraphina was down right twitching, and glaring terribly at the woman who birthed her. "Mo- I mean what is this woman doing here?! Remove her at once!" Maryse just shook her head and said, "This woman is a guest of the New York Institute." Jocelyn was moving toward Seraphina. "Clary-" "GET HER AWAY FROM ME!" Seraphina's eyes were wild. She started pushing her chair back. "FATHER! GET JONATHAN!" Valentine Morgenstern looked saddened and worried at his daughter's sudden reaction to her mother.
"Seraphina, Jonathan is out in know that.." "THEN GET DORIAN! PLEASE! "
"Seraphina, Dorian is in testing-" "YOU ARE TESTING MY SWEET BOY?! I TOLD YOU, HE IS NOT TO BE TESTED LIKE A LAB RAT!" "Seraphina, you don't understand their abilities-" "I understand them quite well! They're my-" Valentine's hand suddenly covered Seraphina's mouth. "You don't want to leak classified information!"
"Excuse me sir." A woman who looked like a secretary stepped inside. "Your son has arrived early." Seraphina busy out, "JONATHAN'S HERE! I NEED HIM! When he finds out that you've been testing Dorian he'll be furious!"
Isabelle Lightwood couldn't help but feel out of the loop.

Hey guys! Things are getting juicy with the Morgenstern household... and I couldn't help but include Jace and co.
Woo! This story got one thousand views! Thank you do much to all my readers and followers! I am really flattered you like my stories. Don't worry guys: I have at least three chapters till the stories done. Then I might work on the sequel to my TMI fic Her Own Dark Angel. Xoxoxoxo

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