Nephilim, meet Jocelyn

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"Wait! Please! You spoke Clarissa's name! Did you see her? Is she safe?" Jace turned around to see a woman with dark red hair, and eyes the color of grass. She was panting, a look of desperation on her round face. "How can you see us?" Alec responded sharply to the woman. "Because I am nephilim."
"Please describe your daughter's.....personality." Jace was playing the part of interrogator. The group were now in Jocelyn's apartment. She sniffled. "Clary was so full of joy and happiness, she was always glowing. She loved to draw. She loved being so....mundane."
"Miss, we believe we spotted her in an old downworld nightclub. Though her physical and mental description does not completely match. She had long, straight white blond hair, with very dark green eyes. She had no freckles. She seemed the opposite of mundane. She was accompanied by a young man who she called her brother. He had hair that was almost white, with black eyes like pits. They were sipping a number of fairy drinks and being entertained by other vices. They both seemed familiar with each other, and they performed some....disturbing acts of what seemed as black magic."
The woman named Jocelyn sucked in a breath. She shut her eyes and murmured, "Jonathan." Her fists were clenched. Jace softly asked, "Who is Jonathan?" A tear slowly slid down her face. "My-My son. I thought he was dead. I thought he and his father died in a fire." Then, suddenly she brought her fist on the teak wood table. "Damn you Valentine!" She sobbed. She ran her artist hands through her fiery hair.
"Did Valentine Morgenstern try to kill your husband and son?" Isabelle whispered to Jocelyn. A bitter laugh erupted from Jocelyn. "In a way, yes. I had to hide my daughter's identity, change her last name, and raise her in the mundane world. I'm shocked you didn't recognize my first name, or my appearance. But I guess the clave didn't want to encourage desertion by spreading my name around. I'm Jocelyn Morgenstern. Valentine's wife."
"Wife? Are you in league with Valentine Morgenstern?!" Jace erupted. Jocelyn gave him a snort. "What? After he turned our son into a monster? Making me hate my own son? Turning my dearest friend into a lycanthrope? What about when he faked his death and our son's, making me believe he burned Jonathan and my parents, along with himself? I may be his wife, and there still is a part of me that loves him, but I'm no longer in the Circle. He probably kidnapped our daughter too..."
Jocelyn was now crying, while looking at the wall with burning eyes. "She probably hates me now," She whispered blandly. "Clary has been shot by Valentine's arrow and ensnared in Jonathan's web. "
"I wanted her to live till her eighties- and die not knowing of the shadow world. I even got her appearance morphed so she would look more like me and less of my husband. Imagine my horror of giving birth to her, and seeing that white hair. I was worried she would have Jonathan's eyes, but thankfully she got mine."
She stopped talking and kept looking at the wall. The shadowhunters decided to leave and give the confused mother peace. "So," Isabelle began. "Those freaky wonder siblings were the son and daughter of Valentine? No wonder they could do all that crazy black magic shit!" Alec and Jace kept walking. "Come on guys! You don't find this odd at all?!" Alec rolled his eyes and said slowly, "It is very shocking, and the children are definitely a threat, a threat we will have to report to the clave."
~Later with the Morgenstern's~
"So Jon, how's it like being half demon?" Seraphina and Jonathan were sprawled out on Seraphina's bed, reading black magic books and other dark novels. The corner of his lips twitched. Then, a damn near disarming smirk appeared in a flash of sharp teeth.
"Well, you get angry easily. You show and feel less remorse to none. You also... like forbidden things." Seraphina blushed at the probable innuendo. He then wondered, "Why do you ask?" "Because, I feel like you're the only one who can understand. Can understand being Valentine's experiment. I mean, he hasn't done me wrong, but I wonder why my mother wanted to change my appearance-"
Suddenly, a long pale finger was covering her lips. Two, soul-deep black onyx orbs stared into her forest green ones. "She did it because she was stupid and cowardly. She ran away from her problems. No mother would try to change what their child is. I accepted long ago that she is not my mother. Lilith is. Lilith could be your mother, too. If you let her in. If you banish Jocelyn out."
"But my angel blood-" He once again interrupted her, his lidded orbs gazing into hers with all that a half demon shadow hunter could show. "Seraphina," He breathed into her neck, like a winter's breeze.
"All true angels fall."

Okay that was another chapter! Thank you so much to my followers and readers for urging me on to write more! I know some of my readers ship Clabastian, so I'm seriously considering putting it in this fic. Please comment or message me your ideas, thoughts and reactions! I love it when I get feedback! I consider you guys all my friends so be welcome to message me! I don't have any buddies that read TMI so I love talking to fellow shadowhunters. Letting ya guys know, this is not a clace fic. Its either clabastian, (maybe) OC/Seraphina, or Sera's just awesome alone. ;) Obviously, my Sera's gonna be on...THE DARK SIDE! Ciao lovelies!

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