We meet Death

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Seraphina was sitting in her over protected room,watching the footage. Her eyes were filled with sadness. Jonathan stood next to her, but pride was reflected in his eyes. "Why is sorrow in your eyes? Our children shall win, they always have. Just imagine Sera, we have created these.... these miracles! I still shake in the thought of it."
Seraphina spoke softly. "I have become wiser, brother. I was a fool before I was with child, so, so foolish to think the world was in my hands! The world is in it's own hands. I realized that and still to this day realize that when I see my children age in months. I realized there is no right path! Heaven is too bright, it burns everything until there is no darkness, and then they burn the darker light! Hell is far too dark and too cold, it eats and corrupts and wants to rule. Both paths want power, and both paths want to be right! So I have no path to follow, as I float in grey. Not darkness, not lightness just greyness. But Jonathan, my dearest love, you are still oblivious to our world and our ways. And I think I've always loved you for that. Because you could always make me doubt my greatest fears. I am so scared Jonathan, I have no where to go."
Jonathan swallowed, a tear slowly dripping from his left eye. Jonathan has never cried before. "Me," He whispered. "You belong with me."
There was a silent showdown with the beautiful girl and the 'hot guy' in Isabelle's words. I mean come on, Phoenix was literally smoking. His ember red hair reached his strong chin, which was smooth and clean-shaven. His eyes were literally burning with fire, which bore into your very soul and was super sexy. He was serious too. "A man who can take charge" Isabelle thought. She didn't realize she was drooling until Simon pinched her arm lightly, scowling in jealousy. "Ouch! What was that for?!" "You were staring at him." Isabelle snorted. "Simon, I doubt you have competition. I'm pretty sure this guy wants to kill us, not hit on me. I'm just enjoying the view."
Simon just humphed. A silent showdown was going on between the two siblings. "Dear Brother, you have been chosen by our father Jonathan, as he saw purpose in you. We are his favorites, his chosen ones. I hope you understand-"
"Please, just SHUT UP!" Phoenix roared. You never acknowledge the elephant in the room! The elephant is that I have pledged myself to Lucifer as you have pledged yourself to God! We have different Lords, but we still practice the teachings of our Great Mother. But the thing is, Daphne, is that you shall wrinkle and age, grey and whiten, as all of our kin, as we are born and die damned. And there is nothing either of our Lords and Masters will do. Draw your sword Daphne, and watch me burn."
Lucinda Iselin Lydia Morgenstern. Seraphina looked at the child, along with it's twin. Jasper Christian Grant Morgenstern. Today was so odd. She gave birth to only twins. In her history of births, Seraphina only had quadruplets. Two boys, two girls. So odd.
Daphne drew her sword. Her voice became so steely, so cold. Like an angel on judgment day. "Dear Brother of Mine, I'm afraid I cannot ablige your wish. I have looked away from you and your group sinning away so much. But for you to reject the Lord so easily is treason. I'm afraid that our alliance has unfortunately broken." People were shouting. "But the Great Mother and Father bind us!" Phoenix just stared. "I never knew you would so easily betray your own kin and directly disobey the wishes of our Great Mother Seraphina Olivia Morgenstern and our Father Jonathan Christoper Morgenstern. But we have a message from Night. It's SEBASTIAN."
That's when Phoenix burned. All the power he had been holding had been released in one second. The Great Silver Tragedy took place. Almost all of Seraphina and Sebastian's children were destroyed. Phoenix destroyed himself, unleashing waves of fire and more fire. It fried anything in a ten mile distance. Strangely, the NYC institute shadow hunters survived, since all Phoenix's thoughts were detonating himself and his siblings. Its called the Great Silver Tragedy cause the only thing left was bones of silver. The blood that was shed stained the ground in vivid colors of gold, silver, sapphire, and every color but red.
On the same day Dorian died. Seraphina was pulled into such a deep spell of grief, and was expecting to be pregnant. After that day, Seraphina was unable to have any children. She eventually turned into a beautiful ivory statue.
Jonathan raised their remaining two children into teens. When their training was complete he joined his wife. The statues of the Morgensterns are known to give people odd dreams and feelings. They have been locked away, with only one key. But then one day a direct descendant of Seraphina and Jonathan has discovered the statues and he listened most to Seraphina about her "Grey Dreams" and decided to form the Grey Path. After submerging himself in the whispers of his ancestors for so long, the whispers stop. Now obsessed, he searches all the down world for answers. He then realizes that Sebastian and Seraphina have been reincarnated- but he doesn't know who they are. Clarissa Fairchild and Jonathan Verlac have been born. Francis Morgenstern must find his ancestors before the Nephilim find them by accident. But the question is, do they want to be found?

Thanks for reading! I am now going to work on the sequel for Her Own Dark Angel, and if that goes well, I might do a sequel for this story afterwords. Love it? Hate it? REVIEW! :)

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