Future, meet Fate

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People say fate's a bitch. Seraphina understood the meaning, but what it truly felt. Jonathan and Seraphina had done some exciting things later in the privacy of their bedrooms after giving the cup to Valentine. He was going to war with Idris. He was too busy with war to realize what was going on in his very roof. Seraphina got sick. Badly. Her body burned with fever, she felt numb, it was comforting in a way.
She got rounder. She couldn't be pregnant because even if they were passionate, they were very careful. Finally, Valentine sent for a nephilim nurse. The nurse was kind, but was very firm in questions. Finally, after examining her, she asked, "Miss Morgenstern, I have to ask you, but have you engaged in sexual intercourse?" Seraphina's cheeks stained red, but she nodded. The woman whispered to her, " It seems that you are pregnant. This is extremely odd. You only showed these symptoms this month, yet the growth of your stomach and the fetuses are in already the growth rate of seven months."
Seraphina coughed. This sounded bad. It sounded like she was pregnant. With her brother's child. But.."You said fetuses. Don't you mean fetus?" The nurse looked at her. "The examination also heavily suggests that you are carrying more than one child."
No. This couldn't be happening. She was a warrior! Not a mother! She used blades, not pacifiers! She shook her head in disgust. How did this happen her? She and Jonathan were extremely protected when things got physical. It was like.... God cursed her to have children.
"Miss Morgenstern, things might be more clear if we spoke to the father. Um.. who is the father?" The nurse tentatively asked. Seraphina rolled her eyes. Thank God the nurse didn't know that Jonathan was her.brother. She called for Jonathan. He immediately rushed in. "Is anything wrong, Seraphina?"
She looked at the ground, counting the lines in the marble. Finally she whispered, "Jonathan, I'm pregnant. I don't know how, cause the only man I was with was you, and we were protected. Also, I seem to be carrying more than one child, and the growth rate is at seven months. Please tell me this is a terrible nightmare. "
Jonathan was silent for a long time. "Maybe this is a sign, I'll ask Mother Lilith. But don't worry, for this means the Morgenstern Legacy will live on. This is fate, I know it."
~ Later~
Jonathan was standing in front of his adopted mother. He told her the entire story. Lilith seemed shocked, them she cackled. When she finished, she looked at him.
"The legend is true! Some Oracle in ancient Greece prophesied that there would be a girl, who would fall pregnant as silently and quickly, that her womb would grow four times faster than a normal woman's womb. She would give birth to four children, and even if she had no relations with a man after the birth, she would fall pregnant, again and again. Her womb would always be full. The children would be the most beautiful creatures, strong in different ways. Some would be wise, some would be as strong as Hercules.
"Others would create the unspoken words easily. Others would call enchantment down. An army, the strongest. But they would burn out fast. As fast as they grew, they would grow old.The only other weakness they would have was for the mother to die. If she died, she would birth no more sons or daughters. Her children would fall." For the first time in his life, Jonathan cried.
"Father, I'm pregnant." Valentine Morgenstern dropped dead in his tracks. He stared first in her eyes, only to see sincerity. He then looked at her hands, which were shaking. Then, at her stomach, glamours gone, her prominent bulging stomach.
"How did this happen?" He asked quietly. Seraphina just whispered, "I really don't know."
"Do I even want to know who the father is?" Valentine sighed. A single salty tear ran down the length of her cheek. "No, you really wouldn't." She choked, thinking of Jonathan. Valentine ran his fingers through his hair, did another sigh, and stood up.
"It seems like you're pretty far along, so you're on bed rest. You will not fight in the war in your condition." Seraphina nodded sadly. Valentine paused before leaving, saying, "The child will be a Morgenstern. Hopefully it will be a boy, to carry on the name. After all, the chances of Jonathan getting married and starting a family is slim."
As the door shut behind her father. Seraphina thought, 'You have no idea, Father.'
Jonathan ran into his sister's room, rapidly whispering Lilith's tale. She squeezed her eyes shut. "Is-Is this God's way of punishing me? I'll be a mother. I'll be pregnant forever!" She noted darkly. Jonathan desperately tried to comfort Seraphina. "But you'll be the mother of a great army-"
Seraphina interrupted. "Great. I'll birth them into war and you'll lead them into it. While they grow old, I'll be young till my death. I'll have to watch our children die." She hissed bitterly. Jonathan looked down. He cradled her silently. They lay in the silence, trying to not think about the future. They just bathed in the past, memorizing eachother's scent, fingers, and every breath that they took.
All Seraphina wanted was to.fight in a real war. But God made sure that not she, but her children will be the ones shipped off to war.

Poor Seraphina! But I guess that's what happens when you sleep with your brother... I believe that this story will probably end on Chapter 10. Crazy stuff's happening in the Morgenstern Family... who is your favorite character? Does anybody have any ideas for baby names? I feel kinda bad for making all my characters have bad luck.... xD Ideas are encouraged. Shout out to my fellow writers who are working their tails off to create a masterpiece of a story. Should we have our favorite shadowhunter gang butt into this drama? Kisses!

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