Beauty meet Wonder

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The children continued to grow. They were now the size of sixteen year olds. Seraphina gave birth to four more children. There was Phoenix, with his red hair and yellow-orange eyes that resembled flames so much. He discovered he could wield fire. Then there was Archer, who had silver hair and bright red eyes. Lidia, had paper white hair and fuschia eyes, And Warren, who had hair of pure gold, and eyes like depth less pits.
~Ten years later~
Isabelle Lightwood was holding a war council. The Morgensterns were now making threats. At the recent death of Valentine Morgenstern, Jonathan and Seraphina, now open about their relationship, have declared war on the clave. Rumours have spread about their children. Some whisper about their beauty of angels. Some nervously cry that they were monsters like satan himself.
Some caused fires that made pyromaniacs applaud. Some had sickening tastes in the battlefield. A few could make one's mind explode with a delicate snap of their long fingers. But they grew old easily. But somehow Seraphina never aged, and gave birth continuously even without her brother.
They were meeting with the Morgensterns for a meeting. Seraphina looked the same, long white hair pulled into intricate braids. Jonathan seemed also the same, a youthful glow also emanating from him. Morgenstern rings gleamed on their left fingers. Jace cussed under his breath. "They got fucking married.."
It wasn't just the rings. Marriage runes were proudly displayed. A major devilish deed, having the most sacred bond of heaven, under a relationship of hell. An ancient looking man stood next to Seraphina, looking like an old Jonathan plagued with wrinkles, arthritis and a cane. He had a crinkly face, and paper white hair. He hunched over a silver cane with the Morgenstern crest stamped on the handle. His clear golden eyes bored into Jace's.
"We meet again, Lightwoods." The old man croaked. Jace looked confused. Then, Seraphina patted the old man's hands affectionately. Like a mother. Jace sucked in a breath. It was Dorian. But the last time he saw Dorian he was like a toddler. ...
Seeing Jace's look, Seraphina glanced sharply at him. "My oldest son, my first born. In his prime, Dorian could make men's brains explode. He was blessed by the powers of an angel, but cursed with age. Of course, some of my children have died, but in battle. I hope Julian, Alexis, and Salmey rest in peace."
Jonathan's black eyes held anguish in memory of his fallen children. "Don't forget Father." He murmured. Seraphina nodded vigorously. "Of course. We shall never forget Father, who took me in and supported us,even when we were at our worst." They both bowed their heads solemnly.
Valentine Morgenstern died silently by a stroke two years after he and his estranged wife Jocelyn reconciled. Jonathan and Seraphina are more peaceful with their mother in respect for their father, but still hate her, and Jocelyn can't even look at Seraphina or their kids at all without sobbing.
Dorian started hacking. Seraphina's eyes filled with anguish and Jonathan handed Dorian a handkerchief. When Dorian handed the handkerchief back, it was spotted with blood. Jonathan put it back in his pocket with no comments.
~Battlefield, around a month later ~
This was it. The battle. Heavy sleet poured from the gray sky, darkening one's mood. Isabelle could faintly it was nothing. Just the faint whisper of musical voices. Jace stood, murmuring inside info to everyone. On the left side of the field, children in all black cloaks entered. They all looked similar in a way. Some had blood red hair, while others had inky black locks. They had red, black,yellow, purple, or orange eyes. A few of them had stark white hair. They seemed to have a dark glow to them. "The Endless Court of Night. They are all Morgenstern children who have chosen the Dark Path. They are much more savage, but they play less tricks." Jace explained.
Then Children dressed in cloaks of the purest white, with shimmering golden buttons decorating them. These children looked beautiful. Their hair was either pure celestial gold or cloud ivory. They had porcelain china doll faces with sapphire blue eyes, or Grassy green. Some had lavender or pure golden eyes. Some of the younger ones had ivory ringlets pulled back by golden pins. Their lips baby pink and plump. They looked like angels.
"The Angelic Court of Day. These are the Morgenstern children who decided to take the Light Path. In both courts you will see two people each court in a different color of cloaks. Like, in the Day Court there is a boy and girl in golden cloaks. That means they are the leaders, and one of Jonathan or Seraphina's favorites. Jonathan gets to pick two leaders. One for Day and one for Night. They have to differ in gender. Seraphina does the same."
An eleven year old girl in Ruby red robes stepped forward. She had raven black straight hair, and onyx eyes. "I'm Alexis Gwenyth Morgenstern. I am the female leader of the Night Court."
A seventeen year old boy in matching robes stepped up. He had scarlet wavy hair and blazing flaming eyes. "I am Phoenix Augustus Morgenstern, the male leader of the Night Court."
Jace snickered. Phoenix's hands were licked with fire. He raised his hand, gesturing to Jace. "Is my name funny Jonathan Christopher Herondale?" Jace whistled innocently. "Uh noooo."
"Please big brother Phoenix, this fellow nephilim has not committed a crime. Please do forgive him in the name of our Father and Founder." The most beautiful sound rose into existence. Standing, a golden cloak wrapped around her was the most beautiful girl in the universe. She looked about 8. Perfect ivory ringlets framed her china doll face. Her sapphire eyes so very bright and wide, framed by long curling black lashes. Her full rosy cheeks and baby pink lips forming a slight pout. Her snow white ringlets hit her shoulders.
Phoenix snorted. "At least I am completely honest about my nature. I don't resort to playing mind games and loopholes like your such, little sister Daphne."
The little girl touched her wrist, where a golden cuff encircled it. There was fancy writing dusting the cuff. She pursed her lips slightly. "Mind games come from the devil. Coercion first came from Lucifer's lips. My kind tend to stray from the teachings of the devil, Brother Phoenix. I believe you must have had a mere slip of the tongue."
Alexis snorted. The Perfect Girl turned toward the shadow hunters. Her beautiful voice was now tuned to them. "Hello. I am Daphne Angelique Morgenstern, Female Leader of the Angelic Court of Day, One of the Favored Daughters of Jonathan Christoper Morgenstern. Please, as fellow followers of Lightness, I could give you all positions in my court-" Daphne was cut off. "Oh please SHUT UP!" Phoenix groaned. "Can't we just FIGHT already?!"

Poor Phoenix. I probably relate to Phoenix the most. Sorry I took so long, but it took me a while to get inspired about Jonathan and Seraphina's kids.
I can't believe I'm almost done! After this fix I'll probably do the sequel to Her Own Dark Angel, or a Percy Jackson fic. Please comment ideas below! Thanks to all my fellow readers and reviewers! I really enjoy and appreciate the support.

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